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Registered: ‎05-08-2012

Re: Views on Serious Skincare.....

I used and love SSC for a long time.  My favorite products are the glycolic line, the gommage and I love the olive oil.  I tried the A line, but only liked the cleanser - that is good stuff.  Didn't love the C line or the reverse lift line.  Instatox was N/G for me.  The Firmaface is good, but I don't have any and haven't had any for a long time.  I still use the glycolic peel every once in a while and also the pads.  Last night I used the olive oil cleanser - it is excellent when you need just a bit more moisture.  I would recommend this line.  You just need to weed through the multitude of products.  There are just too many and that goes for every product line across the board.  I do switch things up and SSC is still in my rotation.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Views on Serious Skincare.....

[ Edited ]

Some products are quite good. Sometimes they do not use stellar ingredients and put fillers in there like petrolatum, which I dont care to use on my skin. I always check out their ingredients very carefully before considering anything. FYI, their products are always found on ebay for rock bottom prices. I dont put them way up there in quality as I do with lines like Skinn, Isomers, etc.

Super Contributor
Posts: 466
Registered: ‎10-27-2010

Re: Views on Serious Skincare.....

The glycolic soaked pads are terrific, use them twice a week, and they are so big to cover my chest and hands.