Occasional Contributor
Posts: 5
Registered: ‎09-10-2013

Unsealed Product Received, Twice!

I recently ordered the tarte Lights, Camera, Lashes! mascara. This is a brand I've used for years and love, however I now live in a rural area and the nearest retailer is over an hour drive away. So, I ordered the set of two offered by QVC on auto-delivery. The first order I received, the two mascaras were in the white bubble envelope, but they were not in the individual boxes as they are if you purchase them from a brick & mortar retailer. I know that QVC used to deliver them in the boxes because I've bought them through QVC on and off for several years. I called Customer Service & expressed my concern that they are not tamper proof when sent out this way. She asked me to return them and she'd send out a new order, and guess what? They came the same way. There is NO SEAL on the mascara tube - how do I trust that someone between here & there hasn't put some foreign substance in the tube that could leave me blind? I know, I know, the chances are slim, but so were the chances when someone took a Tylenol that killed them. Just saying, I'm not happy about this at all and am very tempted to return these tubes also. Anyone else run into this?