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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Umm.. Go to the new arrivals page, 2 TSV's Today???

On 7/11/2014 CeeCee said:
On 7/11/2014 Mandy Moo said:
On 7/11/2014 barb40 said:

Still wishing someone would post the item , in case it is still available...thanks!Wink

The item number was posted earlier...looks like it was poofed!

Right click on the photo in post #2 and then on properties. The item number is in there.

This is info that was posted previously in this thread, sitting here since very early this morning. No need for all this angst, RTFT! (Read The Freaking Thread!) I see this daily, the info is already in the thread or in another thread less than 5 threads away, and people are whining/begging for info that is already right there in front of them. Or, they come into a long thread and post something that has already been posted (usually several times because many other people do this very same thing) because they couldn't be bothered to read all the posts in the thread. If you can't be bothered to read all the posts in a thread, IMO you don't have any business posting in it.


Edited to add: This looks like it is the TSV Josie is having Aug 26th that someone posted about in the August Insider Beauty TSV's thread.

Wow, CeeCee...I did read through all of the thread...the item # must have been poofed, as another poster stated...I haven't been on the boards constantly today, i obviously missed it, or I wouldn't have asked...sorry to bother you with all my "whining and begging" for the item #. I won' t bother posting again...since you think I shouldn't. Have a nice weekend.

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Posts: 210
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Umm.. Go to the new arrivals page, 2 TSV's Today???

On 7/11/2014 turtle52 said:

Is this a NEW moisturizer? It looks like it has some type of color in it since it is called Protect and Perfect.

It the new SPF 47 moisturizer with a tint that is supposed to be universal.