Frequent Contributor
Posts: 144
Registered: ‎04-13-2011

I've been trying to order online since midnight but it looks like there's a delay on the sale. The items don't show any of the sale prices. Has anyone been able to place an order? 


Thanks in advance.

Frequent Contributor
Posts: 144
Registered: ‎04-13-2011

Oh wow!! I apologize. I just realized today is Saturday. Please disregard!

Honored Contributor
Posts: 13,364
Registered: ‎05-18-2017

I've got my eye on a few things myself!  Planning on going in to the Ulta store in my area and I'm hoping they don't run out of stock of what I want!

Honored Contributor
Posts: 14,629
Registered: ‎03-16-2010

I don't like that they have specials everyday. I only want to make one order not multiples, I am going to make up my list and buy on the day with the best specials.