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On 5/5/2014 untitled said:

MarenSeattle- please never make assumptions about what I post. I wish you would never address me or my posts again- you have already been quite 'expressive' in what you think about me. And you know what I really don't care. But what I regret most is that I ever alerted you to the fact that this would be a TSV because all it did was feed your obsession in your quest for the 'fountain of youth' that doesn't exist. Even Ponce de Leon traveled to the New World in search of it, but guess what- he didn't find it. I was just trying to save the OP at the time some money but I didn't realize that would lead to two months of your non-stop compulsion about this new Tria device. Never again...

Your wish is my command. I'll put you on ignore so I never mistakenly speak to/about you. I suggest you do the same with me. I apologize for -- whatever it is I've done to cause such distress. Peace.

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On 5/5/2014 krissie622 said:
On 5/5/2014 untitled said:

MarenSeattle- please never make assumptions about what I post. I wish you would never address me or my posts again- you have already been quite 'expressive' in what you think about me. And you know what I really don't care. But what I regret most is that I ever alerted you to the fact that this would be a TSV because all it did was feed your obsession in your quest for the 'fountain of youth' that doesn't exist. Even Ponce de Leon traveled to the New World in search of it, but guess what- he didn't find it. I was just trying to save the OP at the time some money but I didn't realize that would lead to two months of your non-stop compulsion about this new Tria device. Never again...


Haha! I'm getting used to it on the Tria threads! I feel bad if I upset anybody -- that's never my intent, honestly! I'm just so excited about this dang thing, and having so much FUN with all of you, I probably go way overboard. I get excited (or obsessed, apparently) about everything. :-)

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On 5/5/2014 MidNight said:
On 5/5/2014 untitled said:

MarenSeattle- please never make assumptions about what I post. I wish you would never address me or my posts again- you have already been quite 'expressive' in what you think about me. And you know what I really don't care. But what I regret most is that I ever alerted you to the fact that this would be a TSV because all it did was feed your obsession in your quest for the 'fountain of youth' that doesn't exist. Even Ponce de Leon traveled to the New World in search of it, but guess what- he didn't find it. I was just trying to save the OP at the time some money but I didn't realize that would lead to two months of your non-stop compulsion about this new Tria device. Never again...

Wow!!.Just Wow!.....Just amazes me the nasty ones that have come on the TRia threads.I guess they are everywhere.There is ABSOLUTELY NO reason for anyone to get bossy,snotty and condescending as you and a couple others have done on the Tria threads!.How do you live with yourselves?

BTW Krissie i knew what you meant to.

I called Tria and was told our units are shutting off before 2.5 min because we must have made contact threw the whole session and we got enough of the laser beams.She said that is a Good thing!..She said if we loose contact then it will go longer..I only loose contact around my upper lip so i guess it could be true?..She also told me there is a extended warranty you can buy if you got your Tria from them...65.00 for another yr..She is checking to see if i can buy one..Hope i can..It will give me more peace of mind..So far i have not heard back from them..I never heard from them regarding if we can get capillaries from Tria use.I really dont want to return my Tria and my DH wants me to keep it to..He said last night what ever you are doing keep doing,your face is looking good!..Some of that could be the Facial Flex.

Lyn what type of Laser did you have used on your capillaries?..I heard of a forum with horror stories of people getting damaged from the different treatments so now i am scared to get it done..I need a big area not just one or 2..

Interesting explanation about why we might be getting "shorted" on our 2.5 minutes per zone. I'll check on that next time I use it (which, duh, will be tomorrow). Do you have trouble keeping contact sometimes but no problems other times? That seems to be happening to me, and I have to laugh because now I'm so leery of something potentially going wrong, I immediately think it's the Tria, and not Operator Error (which it most definitely was in this instance).

That is SO COOL about what your husband said! Heaven help me, I fear I'll be adding a Facial Flex to my routine soon! Do YOU see the differences as well? Sometimes it's hard for us to see the overall effect, we're so focused on this dark spot and that expression line...

I don't want to return mine -- or totally give up -- either! Even though I'm not seeing the level of improvements some others have, I'm just pleased overall (and can't really put my finger on why).

The other day some poor soul posted a distraught post that her PaloVia had given up the ghost -- and they're no longer in business! What a disappointment for her! Although not for the same reasons, I wonder if Tria, due to all the "glitches" might face that fate someday.

One day at a time, huh?

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On 5/6/2014 MarenSeattle said:
On 5/5/2014 untitled said:

MarenSeattle- please never make assumptions about what I post. I wish you would never address me or my posts again- you have already been quite 'expressive' in what you think about me. And you know what I really don't care. But what I regret most is that I ever alerted you to the fact that this would be a TSV because all it did was feed your obsession in your quest for the 'fountain of youth' that doesn't exist. Even Ponce de Leon traveled to the New World in search of it, but guess what- he didn't find it. I was just trying to save the OP at the time some money but I didn't realize that would lead to two months of your non-stop compulsion about this new Tria device. Never again...

Your wish is my command. I'll put you on ignore so I never mistakenly speak to/about you. I suggest you do the same with me. I apologize for -- whatever it is I've done to cause such distress. Peace.

interesting tactic- but

a) you did not cause me any distress

b) I don't put anyone on ignore because I don't believe in any sort of censorship and like to 'know' everything, but yes you can put me on ignore.

c) that was a meaningless apology and instead you should be thanking me but I am not even expecting that- because hopefully you did follow through with b - so indeed you will not even see this. Ha.

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Yup- quite entertaining isn't it. ha

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No company is going to condone or encourage the use of any technology or product beyond what they have received strict FDA approval for. Remember when all these gadgets were for "the eye area only" because, as the vendor stated in those presentations, they only had approval for that distinct area. I remember what a big deal they made about that. Yet I read many reviews by those who purchased those units that they were using them all over their face with no adverse reactions.

Although I didn't invest in the Tria this time around, I am following these threads closely because, if I do at some time try it, I'd like to be as prepared as possible for all scenarios. At that point, many here might have long finished with their treatments and this kind of detailed information/interaction will not be available.

Many of the Tria users have stated that they are also successfully using it on their neck, hands and décolleté when they finish their face treatments. So far, I have not read of any who are that have encountered problems with their Tria unit by doing so but they are very aware that the allotted battery time will be shortened with this additional usage.

Tria has to state firmly where their lasers can be used to be sure they are meeting the exact guidelines of their approval. It certainly isn't worth the risk not to. Just as we saw the original "eye area" approvals expand to include the entire face, within the next year or more, we will also likely see the expansion to the neck, hands and décolleté. And eventually to the entire body. It's just a matter of time.

This is just my opinion but I honestly think if the additional usage of the Tria on the neck, hands or where-ever would seriously damage the Tria unit itself, they would emphasize to a much great level the risks involved. From the precautions I have read quoted here, they really seemed focused on the areas they have obtained approval for and not on potential damage to the machine. Just my interpretation. And many might not share my interpretation.

The "questionable" fragility of these units really doesn't make me want to purchase one any time soon. I feel badly for everyone who is having or has had any problems and think Tria really might have jumped the gun releasing them for sale to the public before sufficient consumer use testing was done, over an extended period of time, to ensure they were releasing a reliable and dependable product. These are not just a $50 gadget and it seems that every time I read another weekly thread, additional problems and issues arise.

It just doesn't seem fair to all those who trusted in QVC and Tria that these issues seem to be continuing and/or new ones cropping up. I have to think many are beginning to wonder when or if their unit might also possibly start malfunctioning.

Posts: 22
Registered: ‎05-27-2010

I have been following all these threads since I also purchased the Tria TSV. I was plugging along without any complaints (aside from dry parched skin {#emotions_dlg.laugh} ) and feeling sorry for everyone having problems. I am into to week 5 and last night my Tria would not hold a charge..grrr.... I packed it up and sent it back, I am not willing to restart after all this. Also I was worried that right after my 90 days it stops working. I decided I will wait and maybe repurchase after some time and the reviews /problems are resolved.

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On 5/6/2014 tkaste said:

I have been following all these threads since I also purchased the Tria TSV. I was plugging along without any complaints (aside from dry parched skin {#emotions_dlg.laugh} ) and feeling sorry for everyone having problems. I am into to week 5 and last night my Tria would not hold a charge..grrr.... I packed it up and sent it back, I am not willing to restart after all this. Also I was worried that right after my 90 days it stops working. I decided I will wait and maybe repurchase after some time and the reviews /problems are resolved.

Really can't blame you for taking that route. I have to think that many who bought them might have similar concerns and Tria sounds like they have been a hit and miss with CS resolving all the problems. Kind of wonder how they will handle things when QVC's return period has expired. And given the amount of units that appear to have been sent back, they'd have a bunch to try and refurbish.

Doesn't a company have to disclose if they send you a refurbished product? If they do, would that also hold true if it was a replacement for a defective original product? Just kind of wondering~

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Registered: ‎04-21-2014
On 5/6/2014 wackers said:
On 5/6/2014 tkaste said:

I have been following all these threads since I also purchased the Tria TSV. I was plugging along without any complaints (aside from dry parched skin {#emotions_dlg.laugh} ) and feeling sorry for everyone having problems. I am into to week 5 and last night my Tria would not hold a charge..grrr.... I packed it up and sent it back, I am not willing to restart after all this. Also I was worried that right after my 90 days it stops working. I decided I will wait and maybe repurchase after some time and the reviews /problems are resolved.

Really can't blame you for taking that route. I have to think that many who bought them might have similar concerns and Tria sounds like they have been a hit and miss with CS resolving all the problems. Kind of wonder how they will handle things when QVC's return period has expired. And given the amount of units that appear to have been sent back, they'd have a bunch to try and refurbish.

Doesn't a company have to disclose if they send you a refurbished product? If they do, would that also hold true if it was a replacement for a defective original product? Just kind of wondering~

It's probably in the fine print somewhere. I know when you buy the handset protection on cell phones part of the contract is that they can send either a new or refurbished "like new" device. I have read lots of places that refurbished devices are as good, maybe better, because they've been sorted out, so to speak, but I still feel like when I pay hundreds of dollars for a NEW device, I want a brand NEW device as a replacement. Not that they care.