Occasional Contributor
Posts: 14
Registered: ‎04-30-2014

Tria Anti-aging Laser the original

I bought the original Tria Anti-aging laser back in 2014.  I'd stopped using it because of the redness.  Maybe I should of just hung in.  Well anyway I missed out on the return policy.  I packed it up and was going through sell it.  It was like brand new, and worked perfectly.  I never did get around to selling it either.  So I got it out yesterday and it looks just like I did when I bought it?  It was a commitment when I did it last time.  I was wondering for those of you who did buy the original and stuck with it have a good result?   Was it worth the effort?  

Honored Contributor
Posts: 37,738
Registered: ‎05-22-2016

Re: Tria Anti-aging Laser the original

Yes, I still use mine but only on my neck and dec. I first started using it on my face but after several months I noticed some broken caps which I eventually had some of them professionally removed by a derm. Some spots, however, were not removable and I'm living with them now. I think this device has helped keep my neck/dec smooth and firm. Just a few months prior to buying my Tria, I had laser skin tightening on my face, eyes and neck. IMO the Tria has helped maintain the results I got on my neck/dec areas. I won't use it on my face.