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Re: Today I got a new type of filler

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The relatively new filler I believe from Switzerland is called RHA

and I have used it. It's been around for over a year now and is catching on quickly.  It's so much better and longer lasting.  There is not much swelling like restalyne or juvederm afterward  and so you can see the results right away. 


Someone was mentioning fillers in the face and scared of them if it goes wrong.  Filler's can be disssolved by a quick injection if you don't like it.  The only filler that is permanent is the "5 year bellafil".  I would never ever use this as many other PS and derm's agree.  You cannot reverse it.


@Sillemee I ihad RHA injected into my upper lip.  


@Parischic  I also had it put back by my ear for that nice little lift.

It's great and highly recommend.





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Re: Today I got a new type of filler

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Oh one more thing about the new and great RHA filler is that it's a bit more expensive.  I would say $100.00 a vial more than the juverderms, restalynes, etc.  It lasts longer, so worth it but to my eye more natural as well.


From what I'm understanding it mimic's the natural skin more than the others.  It's scientific so hard to explain.


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Re: Today I got a new type of filler


Because I have scleroderma, my skin doesn't stretch like normal skin does. I wanted to get my lips done but my derm said her patients with scleroderma have a lot of pain from lip fillers and also fillers around the face. My skin is tight, almost as if I've had a face-lift, and wont 'give' to allow a filler to work. Same goes for my lips. Sadly I have moved away from thinking about any fillers. they are not for me. 

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Re: Today I got a new type of filler

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@Sugipine wrote:


Because I have scleroderma, my skin doesn't stretch like normal skin does. I wanted to get my lips done but my derm said her patients with scleroderma have a lot of pain from lip fillers and also fillers around the face. My skin is tight, almost as if I've had a face-lift, and wont 'give' to allow a filler to work. Same goes for my lips. Sadly I have moved away from thinking about any fillers. they are not for me.


I understand this my dear and have heard you mention it before.  It is not easy I'm sure but we all have some type of card we have to deal with in this life.  It's not easy.


I wonder if someone could try it on the lip?  It could be reversed if uncomfortable.  Would you try it?  I'm sure using a lip pencil and going outside the lip line will help just as well though.  And much less hassle.


I've always had a nice lower lip but I had a car accident andf hit the steering wheel when I was 19 and I had stiches inside.  This is what led to a somewhat crooked lip I always fixed with a lip pencil.   And then I had LANAP laser gum surgery 5 years ago and after that some months later a friend says why did your upper lip turn flat? I said "huh"??

I didn't notice it but sure enough there it was when I looked in the mirror. So now I just add some filler to the upper and that nice little curl is back.  


God bless my friend. Smiley Happy




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Re: Today I got a new type of filler

@Sugipine  I can't tell you how sorry I am that you have this awful disease.  My SIL was recently diagnosed with it and it's progressing so quickly.  It's a huge adjustment for her.  Bless you for staying positive and I enjoy reading your posts.  

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Re: Today I got a new type of filler

Thank you @brandiwine 

I'm sorry that your SIL has it. I hope the best for her. Stay positive.Heart

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Re: Today I got a new type of filler

@Parischic wrote:
Thank you all for your replies and comments. I don't mind injections they feel like little stings. It's the crunching sound it sometimes makes that gets me.


Hi   @Parischic   Woman Happy


"Crunching Sound??"   What, is & why is there a  "crunching sound?? 

"The voice of sanity is getting hoarse."  -   ("Whatever You Say, Say Nothing" by Irish Poet, Seamus Heaney (1939-2013))

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Re: Today I got a new type of filler

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@JoyFilled Warrior  on one injectable I forgot the name there is a crunching sound as it goes in.  It is mostly used for the dents in the side of the head as we age.  You know the side of the forhead  by the eyes. I forgot the name of it but believe it begins with a "D". Tried once, didn't like it and also did not last long at all.


By the way filler lasts as long as your system allows it.  If you have a fast metabolism it will not last long.  Slow it will last much longer.


I would not use it and believe in RHA for whole face wherever the location in  an area that bothers you. 


"Sculptra" is another nice filler but very different.  Very natural results until RHA came along.  A whole other subject.  It takes time, about 3 to 6 weeks to see results.  It's a bit iffy, for me with a fast metabolism was pretty but did not last the 2 years promised.  Slow metabolism?  Might work well for you.  But this is another that is not reversible so beware of that unless you have a master injector which I did but is hard to find an expert on it.

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Re: Today I got a new type of filler



I wasn't aware you had this disease. I'm so sorry. Does it affect just your skin or other organs also? And yes I'm sure we all appreciate your knowledge and sharing it with us.

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Re: Today I got a new type of filler

@monicakm wrote:



I wasn't aware you had this disease. I'm so sorry. Does it affect just your skin or other organs also? And yes I'm sure we all appreciate your knowledge and sharing it with us.




Both. Please, don't feel sorry for me but thank you. I'm doing a lot better than many others who have this disease. TG.Woman Happy