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Re: To Many Beauty Products !!

@Goodie2shoes  Last winter, I had a day when I was running late, trying to do a quick makeup and found myself shuffling through my makeup drawers like a raccoon digging through trash, scattering things everywhere.  I lost my temper and left the house with a nearly bare face and chapstick.  I was late and angry and cussing like my grandpa! That weekend, I did an epic makeup purge, it wasn't easy, but my sanity demanded it. I have a foundation I use three seasons a year, one I wear in summer, two cream blushes, a highlighter, a bronzer, one eyeliner, 2 eyeshadow duos, one mascara, one lipliner 3, (only 3) lipsticks.

I have been free from the time crunch, the mess and all the hassle ever since and I LOVE it!  I love my makeup, too!

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Re: To Many Beauty Products !!

Several years ago my kids and I needed money so I put a ton of make up on a selling site. I was honest if used. Everything sold like crazy. I wouldn't buy used cosmetics but many women did. They were lucky that all products were only gently used and I am a clean person. plus I told them to spritz with alcohol. 

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Re: To Many Beauty Products !!

I am a cosmetic junkie since my teens.

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Re: To Many Beauty Products !!

@tsavorite wrote:

OH MY YES!!!  For the last few yrs I kinda went over board!  I just tossed out a rather expensive Isomers VitC product that smelled bad...I had tried for so long to use it but my skin just didn't like it!  It was almost painful cause it costs too much $$! LOL


I have stopped buying and am weeding out items....I have enough mascara for a few yrs new in the box...I forgot I had it until I found it today.  


No more beauty shows for more YouTube video demo's ...I am just sticking with what I have until my stock pile is super low...think that's gonna be a few yrs at least.

@tsavorite  I can totally relate to what you are saying.  And I agree the YouTube beauty videos is one of the culprits of over purchasing beauty products.  I have stopped watching the YouTube tutorials and that seems to curb my buying habits.  And I go on a No Buy every year during Lent and that seems to help. (I don't have the will power to do a long term No Buy, but a short term NO Buy helps).

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@Goodie2shoes  I am in the same situation.  Recently I tossed some old items, but I still have too much of everything.  Too many brushes (from old TSVs mostly), too  many foundations, skincare lines with many  products of each plus some "back-ups".  My worst offense is shower gels and body creams.  Could open a store.  Bought the Beekman recent TSV so that is another huge amount.  I need to "stop the maddness!"

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I really pared down years ago.  I keep a Dior liquid foundation for when I really want to look better or things to stay on all day and into the night.  


I have a Bobbi Brown foundation also, but the color isn't great.  I am thinking about ditching it for a Chantecaille liquid I used to wear years ago and might try again,


If I use alot of skin care products on my face it is a disaster, so life is simple there!  LOL!!!  Don't need many lip colors OR eye colors, so that's minimum as well.  And a Trish McEvoy kit once in awhile keeps me pretty well in business otherwise!  

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Just went through auto-deliveries from HSN & QVC and either extended for several months or deleted them.   I like to lock-in the good prices, but need to cut-back.

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Re: To Many Beauty Products !!

[ Edited ]

I have too many products too. I have been using up things and going thru other products and getting rid of what I dont like, dont use, or that I know I have had for too long.  I plan on having a simpler skin care routine once things are used up and I decide what line to buy. I am tired of spending too much money on beauty and skin care and foundations. I have stopped falling for the hype plus need a simple routine, not so much stuff.  Smiley Happy    Plus I do not spend time watching much of the beauty shows on any shopping network Smiley Happy

Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light. —Helen Keller
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Re: To Many Beauty Products !!

Once I batch coded my beauty products, I could analyze how old product were and how old they were when I bought them. That made it easier to declutter items or give them away if I didn't want them since I didn't want a lot of old inventory hanging around my home.


I just tried a Clinique mascara that was part of a 2019 holiday kit that came out in the fall. But the mascara was made last March and I thought the formula was gloppy and didn't curl my lashes. I didn't have second thoughts about tossing out a mascara I don't like that was nearly a year old even though it was only recently opened.

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Re: To Many Beauty Products !!

I once had a stash... now I am buying less and using what I have. Hopefully by the end of the year I will only have what I need.  I guess I was bought too much.  Thankfully most of my products were from a boxstore or Amazon or a local drugstore.  Nothing expensive.  But buying what I have in total was not cheap.