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Registered: ‎09-12-2013

This is why my purchases have really slowed down here at QVC.

I thought I would go online and see what items have been on air this eve. I did catch some of the IT show so I pretty much knew what aired during that hour. So, I went to items recently aired and saw the IT gel liner in Tuesday Night Beauty. IT just had a full hour and that item was in the show! So they can't find different items to put in TNB?? I just don't get it! Thanks for reading. Rant over!😡
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Registered: ‎05-22-2012

Re: This is why my purchases have really slowed down here at QVC.

@wvumountiefan wrote:
I thought I would go online and see what items have been on air this eve. I did catch some of the IT show so I pretty much knew what aired during that hour. So, I went to items recently aired and saw the IT gel liner in Tuesday Night Beauty. IT just had a full hour and that item was in the show! So they can't find different items to put in TNB?? I just don't get it! Thanks for reading. Rant over!😡


This has been the case for years. I think they try to make as much use of vendors as possible when the vendor is in town.