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Registered: ‎09-24-2011

I pump my gallon WEN into a smaller WEN bottle I have. But now I'm at the bottom of the gallon and I can't pump any out. Any ideas or suggestions as to how to get the rest of the WEN out and into the smaller WEN bottle? My husband suggested making a hole at the bottom of the gallon WEN which sounds like a good idea but I was wondering if anyone did something different.


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Re: The bottom of the gallon

Your husband's idea is good. You could also turn the bottle upside down, then drain. Repeat until there's not a drop left. It's too expensive to waste.

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Re: The bottom of the gallon

I just keep my gallon in the shower but I know it's bulky and doesn't work for everyone. I also keep all my caps that come with my bottles so when I can no longer pump I put the cap back on and turn them upside down. When I have a bottle that is upside down I open a new one and use it until there is room enough for the rest of the old bottle. Then I use a funnel and prop up the bottles so the old one can drain into the new bottle. I don't do this with the gallon but my other size bottles it works great with. I imagine the gallon would be more difficult to have on the top but you may be able to prop them up somewhere so they don't tumble. I like using the gallon because it's just 1 pump for me. I get some 16oz and some 32oz auto delivery and when they come, in the same formula as my gallon I just transfer them to the gallon. My other formulas I just use the funnel way. Sorry, don't think this is to helpful but maybe try the funnel. Or if your husband is like mine, he'll wanna MacGyver something for you! Lol!
Love my Wen, Love my Animals! God Bless You All!
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Re: The bottom of the gallon

Bethany, you said it much better than me. That's exactly what I would do.

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Re: The bottom of the gallon

I've never bought the gallons, but every product I've ever bought eventually reached the dump stage. I like DH's idea, but I'm not sure the product would drain because WEN is so thick.

I'd dump as much as possible into a smaller container (packrat here kept some smaller bottles), and then put some water into that gallon container because there's enough for at least one or two cleansing sticking to its sides!

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Re: The bottom of the gallon

I drain the last bit of wen from the gallon into a ziploc bag….snip a corner and squeeze it into a smaller bottle.
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Re: The bottom of the gallon

As with all bottles, I take a big kitchen knife and cut around the bottle just above the remaining product. Then, I scoop it out with my hands. I don't lose a drop this way.

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Re: The bottom of the gallon

I take off the pump and dump the rest of the CC into a plastic jar and then just scoop it out to use up the last of it.

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Re: The bottom of the gallon

On 10/20/2014 cnd8 said:

As with all bottles, I take a big kitchen knife and cut around the bottle just above the remaining product. Then, I scoop it out with my hands. I don't lose a drop this way.

I always have at least 16oz of product left in the bottom of the gallon when the pump quits working. I wouldn't want to lave that much product just sitting open until it's gone.

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Re: The bottom of the gallon

On 10/20/2014 jaxs mom said:
On 10/20/2014 cnd8 said:

As with all bottles, I take a big kitchen knife and cut around the bottle just above the remaining product. Then, I scoop it out with my hands. I don't lose a drop this way.

I always have at least 16oz of product left in the bottom of the gallon when the pump quits working. I wouldn't want to lave that much product just sitting open until it's gone.

Well thankfully, I have long hair, so its only open like that for a week or two. I have a tall window shelf in my shower that keeps it out of the water spray also.