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Posts: 157
Registered: ‎06-07-2010

With all the posts about looking good (for your man, for yourself, etc.) it reminded me that I have a thing about teeth. We were poor growing up and there was no money to spend on our teeth (there were four of us). We did not have flouridated water; ergo, many cavities and teeth just being pulled. We did not have braces so we all wound up with crooked teeth besides. By the time I was done having four babies in four and a half years, I had had four teeth pulled and empty spaces in my mouth that, to me, were very embarrassing.

In the ensuing years, particularly after my divorce (my ex wasn't so concerned as I was about my teeth) I saved money to get my teeth fixed. I never had dental insurance even when working, so suffice it to say I have spent thousands of dollars over the years on caps, permanent bridges, gum transplants (painful!) and root canals (which are only temporary). As I have aged, some repairs have had to be redone, fillings removed . . . and bridgework replaced. I just recently went through another round of dental work on teeth that were old and breaking off. I used the money I made selling my gold jewelry to pay for this.

I live in a retirement community and there are so many folks who think nothing of walking around with no teeth in their mouths. Some of these people DO have temporary bridges, as I've seen them with their bridges in. A man I was attracted to (as an interesting friend) has begun appearing in the lobby and community room without his temporary bridge (upper front teeth) and I find I am no longer attracted to him in the same way, although obviously we are still friends.

I get angry at my brother who could get replacement teeth free at the VA and does not. He's a nice looking man until he opens his mouth, and he talks funny because of the lack of dentures. I just don't get it.

Is this just a vanity thing or do I have a point?