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This does pertain to beauty as well as other items.  Apparently, starting July 1, there will be no more what I call "early bird" notices or opportunities to purchase TSVs early.  They will be shown at midnight and the pricing will be good for that day only.  No more purchasing early at the TSV price nor will the TSV price extend into the next day or two as it does on some products.


Saw this posted in the Today's Special Value forum.

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Re: TSV Announcement from the Q

I saw that announcement and didn't know what to make of it. Some of the TS fees were good for several days. I guess that's not going to be the case anymore. I'm not sure that the new changes going to work in their favor.

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Re: TSV Announcement from the Q

Reverting to their early days!   



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Re: TSV Announcement from the Q

They are just going back to how the TSV used to be.  It definitely generated a lot more buzz and the anticipation of what it could be.  People actually looked forward to the TSV.  Then they changed where they announced it days in advance and you could pre-order and it wasn't that "special" anymore.


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Re: TSV Announcement from the Q

Makes sense to me since there are supply challenges.  No point in even having a Tsv if a quantity already sold before the Tsv day.  

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Re: TSV Announcement from the Q

I LOVE that they are going back to the way it was for so many years. It was getting really annoying to buy the TSV at midnight (I am just used to the way it was) and I also like to see the actual product on air, only to find colors, sizes, or whatever already sold out.


OR order it at midnight and then get an email that said "oh yea, so this is a pre-sale, you will receive it 3 months from now".


So I am real happy to hear this. It must be hard to control their inventory when they have no idea who would order early, who would wait for the day, or those that ordered in any of the days it extended to post TSV.


There was a day when it was top secret! Back in the day little monthly product schedules were sent out in order boxes, and we had to guess based on the category that night was going to be.

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Re: TSV Announcement from the Q

I wonder if they will make accommodations for time zones...?

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Re: TSV Announcement from the Q

I will miss out buying many TSV's going forward then as I need to keep a set sleep schedule and going to bed before 11pm is key to that.  Oh well been trying to curb my spending or impulse buying of products I don't really need so this will help me actually now that I think on it.


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Re: TSV Announcement from the Q

I like it better that way.  I don't mind if they extend it though, and I like it if I can find out ahead of time what it is.  I just find it unfair to sell out of products/sizes/colors before the TSV even airs.  I don't think I have gotten the E-mail though.

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Registered: ‎03-27-2014

Re: TSV Announcement from the Q

Yesterday, I rec'd the email from Q about this change. I will sometimes order a TSV early but most times I like to see the presentation for swatches, fit, usage, suggestions etc. This change is not a big deal to me

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