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I was flipping through my channels and saw Taya on Evine and with a TTV of my favorite line!! So happy to see them back on air. Love their Amazon White Clay products!!

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Can't believe how fast companies are changing shopping channels.  One month they are with Evine, the next HSN, and then to the Q.  Wonder if they'll keep switching around?  Sort of like watching a game of musical chairs.  Glad you found Taya.  I see what used to be Tan Towels now at Evine under a new name, but same person.

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Ahhh! Love Taya! The products work and the scents are perfect for spring/summer... OR ALL YEAR! 


Thanks for the callout of Tanning on Evine too @brandiwine .. With this in the addition to Taya I am set for my hair and glow ! Enjoy!

Posts: 74
Registered: ‎04-02-2018

HSN/QVC is understandable as they are owned by the same company.  So no shock there.   Alot of vendors are leaving Evine for whatever reason.  Beekman,  Skinn, and it sounds like Anuschka pretty soon (hopefully to QVC or HSN).  I think mainly becuase HSN/QVC are the big leagues and Evine is the farm team. 


I have noticed brands that used to be on HSN/QVC like Serious Skincare or Shariff who went to Evine don't seem to be doing as well since leaving HSN/QVC to Evine. Even with reduced shipping (as Evine is known for having outrageous shipping. I noticed with Beekman their pricing is still the same on HSN as it was on Evine, but it is a better buy as HSN on most of their items have free shipping vs. the $6.99 they had on Evine).   I find that since Serious went to Evine,  Jennifer seems a little more stressed out (I could be reading too much into it). 



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I just ordered the TTV, I have never used these products, I hope I like them.

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@Jordan2  I am thinking about doing the same knowing I can return.  I cannot get lift/body in my hair to save my life.

I am not gray so I do not color........yet (I am 47) my hairdressor says I need to color to add texture since my hair is virgin it has no texture, no amount of product I use provides it so I did order their hair spray too, hoping it will give me SOMETHING! lol

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@Jordan2  Did you get your products? If so, wondering how you like them so far?

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@SandGirl wrote:

@Jordan2  Did you get your products? If so, wondering how you like them so far?

@SandGirl I did get them but I haven't used them yet. I have to be honest, I'm a skincare, hair care, and makeup addict,I have some shampoos and conditioners I have to use up first. I will at some point get them into my rotation!

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I used mine for the first time today - I used the shampoo / cond and styling product that came with it (I have hair to my bra line with one long layer and I curl the ends each day)

Well blowing drying I for SURE felt more body, curling I did too.

Well, I hate to say but I am at work, mid day and my hair is totally flat, laid down, it's like it is weighed down, my curls last all day, I spray them with the same spray I always do and it lasts all day till I brush them out - well today, they are limp and lifeless and the top of my head is like FLAT, I just want to go home.

So, blow drying was great - shine was good too!! But, lasting body NO!!!  I am pretty sure I am on the hunt again  Smiley Sad

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@SandGirl , I'm sorry you didn't like the products. Did you use the round brush it came with, it seems like a decent brush?