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Re: Suzanne is coming to QVC - Suzanne Somers - A New Way to Age

@skeneda wrote:
SS left HSN because she wanted to turn her brand into vitamins and wellness. I loved her sugar substitute but she cannot make it any longer. HSN would not allow her to compete - prob contract reasons - with Andrew Lessman. I accept take her faux medical degree and she has been busted getting procedures done. I have a few clothing pieces and a pair of boots from HSN that are really great. She should have stuck with her honkers and shakes. She is too big for her britches. She was on Q2 tonight without HD cameras and poor lighting. Her husband tried her shakes as if he had never had them before. Whatever dude.

@skeneda  You wrote a similar blistering comment on Dimitri James (SKINN).


such negativity is ugly.

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Re: Suzanne is coming to QVC - Suzanne Somers - A New Way to Age

She looks good for her age but I don’t , for a minute, think it is due to vitamins and skin care. She’s had surgery and fillers and tons of work done. Period. 

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Re: Suzanne is coming to QVC - Suzanne Somers - A New Way to Age

[ Edited ]

@delish91 wrote:

I'm listening to her now. She is literally giving out medical advice that is completely bogus. I eat very healthy to keep my cholesterol down naturally and she is saying things that are contrary to any scientific data.


She should not be on QVC. what a charleton.


@delish91, I could not agree more, and this not a criticism of the person. She has always positioned herself as knowing more than those in the medical/scientific arena. She alone knows the "truth" and exploits people's distrust in the medical and science fields to promote herself.


Note that I have not criticized anything personal about her. I don't give a hoot what she looks like or how she acts. There is no negativity here on that level. I do not think that she should be allowed to make medical pronouncements or any unsubstantiated claims.


~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Re: Suzanne is coming to QVC - Suzanne Somers - A New Way to Age

@Mimichic wrote:

@pegsue wrote:


I know she is kind of "out there" but that isn't a bad thing.  Of all people she has the $$ to go out into the world and explore different ideas.  For example, before her I had never heard of bioidentical hormones and I think the information she passes on to us-from her own experiences-can help others.   I've raised a few questions to my doctors that I would not have thought of if I hadn't heard some of her experiences. 



I totally agree with you.  Having Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and Narcolepsy (and who knows what else), I have found that the medical community isn't really interested in getting you well. I have learned more from reading and researching than I have from any doctor I have been to. Suzanne has brought real issues to light about women's health and the toxicity of the products we are using.  Not sure if she was the first, but she's been loud about it. We all need these loud people pushing for better as we all benefit.

 I also agree! I also became aware of bioidentical hormones thanks to Suzanne. Although, I no longer use them, my doctor tested and prescribed them at a time that I needed them. I've used many of her products and read most of her books. I have her face master and it works if you use it consistently(which I don't.) I've also used her hair and skincare and liked them but being a product junkie have changed to other lines just because that's what I do. I have tried many protein shakes but always go back to hers. I like the taste of them best, so therefore, I actually drink them. I find them filling. I've also used many of her supplements. I especially like and use the sleep and calm renew which really works for me.

It seems most either love or hate her. I'm glad for the information I've gotten from her! 

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Re: Suzanne is coming to QVC - Suzanne Somers - A New Way to Age

I've tried her skin care a couple of times and have the same issue every time (I don't know why I think it would change but I still tried a 2nd time)

No matter which of her serums or moisturizers I use I go to apply my foundations and my skin starts peeling or I should say the product starts rubbing off, it never sinks into my skin, I let it sit and dry, I've tried only the moisturizer without the serums, same issue, the product balls up on me, once I decided well I will just use the eye cream, well mid day I looked in my car mirror and it was dry and flaking under my eyes!! Urg

Needless to say, it wall went back and I'm done trying it.