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Re: Suzanne is coming to QVC - Suzanne Somers - A New Way to Age

first hsn, the evine, now QVC.  I think its time to call it quits  lol

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Re: Suzanne is coming to QVC - Suzanne Somers - A New Way to Age

Can't wait.  Oh boy!



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Re: Suzanne is coming to QVC - Suzanne Somers - A New Way to Age

[ Edited ]


@HappyDaze wrote:

@suzyQ3 wrote:

I can understand the dismay with rude comments, especially if it's about a salesperson (or host) that you like.


But I hope that it is okay to express something other than only positive opinions as along as it's not a vicious or rude attack.


Many people might know that I am not a fan of this woman on several levels. That's my opinion, stated without hostility or cruelty.


Each to his own, as always.

I really despise this argument. I neither like nor hate Suzanne sommers or any of the hosts and vendors I defend at times because I don't know them on a personal level so no, many of us who get tired of the constant bashing of hosts, vendors, etc don't have some personal invested interest in the person per se, we just get tired of the rude personal comments as no one deserves that and it is very immature and unnecessary. 


I don't like her position on many things and although I have nothing against her personally, I am also not a "fan" of hers for any reason because I am not familar with her "work" besides being on Threes company and writing books that, imo, are downright dangerous in some of the beliefs  but some of her products interest me. I am sure there are plenty of people I buy products from that I would not agree with on many, many topics but it doesn't stop me from purchasing products that fit my needs. When I purchase products, for the most part, with the exception of cruelty free brands, I am not supporting their beliefs, values, or ideologies, I am simply buying body care that I like the ingredients on and are cruelty free. 

There is a huge difference between not liking a person's thoughts, hosting style, etc and attacking them personally in a public forum ad nauseam. It is childish and immature and truly gets old, espeically when someone was NOT asking about people's opinions on a person but was sharing that the person was going to be on some shows and to talk about the products, etc. Start your own thread if you just want a beyotchfest, don't try to derail someone else's innocent, friendly thread about a brand. 

@HappyDaze - thank you! I can't think of anything to add - well written.


@Chi-town girl, @HappyDaze-


You both are certainly entitled to your own POV.  I've done too much research to find much credibility in the expertise side of this woman.  She was likable in the early days of HSN,-- but when she started becoming a dangerous expert in the literary arena, in the name of the holy dollar, I think the woman might just sell her soul.  I'm not interested in anything about her.   Frankly some of her advise is quite dangerous and  potentially life-threatening.  Remember, some are more naive-. her slew of followers and worshipers who hang their hat on her own written experiences might make for a good read--, but at whose expense?. She needs to be held accountable.  JMO and a very strong one.


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Re: Suzanne is coming to QVC - Suzanne Somers - A New Way to Age

She looks every bit her age - time to give up and retire - prices too high and don’t work anyway - I know many women in their 70’s who look better - ladies save your money

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Re: Suzanne is coming to QVC - Suzanne Somers - A New Way to Age

I'm listening to her now. She is literally giving out medical advice that is completely bogus. I eat very healthy to keep my cholesterol down naturally and she is saying things that are contrary to any scientific data.


She should not be on QVC. what a charleton.

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Re: Suzanne is coming to QVC - Suzanne Somers - A New Way to Age

I am enjoying seeing her. The info she is sharing  on the supplements is factual and true. Of course if someone is against supplements they are going to call her a phony.  I take supplements ( nott hers) and a lot of them. I also eat good  health diet and exercise as does Suzanne. 


I admire her. Power to woman! 

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Re: Suzanne is coming to QVC - Suzanne Somers - A New Way to Age

Perhaps a bit off topic


I read her book that she wrote years back called Keeping Secrets.


The story of her life from early childhood all the way through her marriage to Alan. It is an interesting read for sure. Her life was full of twists, and turns. Quite telling about who she is. 

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Re: Suzanne is coming to QVC - Suzanne Somers - A New Way to Age

@winamac1  Suzanne was on several months ago selloing vitamins and I believe that bombed.  What is she selling now?

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Re: Suzanne is coming to QVC - Suzanne Somers - A New Way to Age

@Katcat1 wrote:

@winamac1  Suzanne was on several months ago selloing vitamins and I believe that bombed.  What is she selling now?

I'm not sure.  Good question.  She disappeared.

"friends don't let friends drink white zinfandel"
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Re: Suzanne is coming to QVC - Suzanne Somers - A New Way to Age

SS left HSN because she wanted to turn her brand into vitamins and wellness. I loved her sugar substitute but she cannot make it any longer. HSN would not allow her to compete - prob contract reasons - with Andrew Lessman. I accept take her faux medical degree and she has been busted getting procedures done. I have a few clothing pieces and a pair of boots from HSN that are really great. She should have stuck with her honkers and shakes. She is too big for her britches. She was on Q2 tonight without HD cameras and poor lighting. Her husband tried her shakes as if he had never had them before. Whatever dude.