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Re: Surgery date for my ear finally! Basal cell update

I had the I.V hurt so bad my hand was swollen for days and I couldn't lift it.When I have blood drawn they use a baby or butterfly needle. I'm getting my blood drawn for my pre op, I hate needles but usually blood work doesn't bother me. I have had many spinal epidurals that I can handle but the anxiety is bad before.
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Re: Surgery date for my ear finally! Basal cell update

Personally I've had much better luck with phlebotomists over the years, they do dozens of these sticks a week.  No pain, no bruising. 

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Re: Surgery date for my ear finally! Basal cell update

They changed my pre op to next Tuesday, so far surgery is set the same.
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Re: Surgery date for my ear finally! Basal cell update

Yesterday I had my pre op. I was informed that I will be having two surgeries! I was shocked, he never mentioned that. It will be around 4 weeks after to do more of the reconstruction. I was floored, I was hoping Monday would be the last of this.

I had my blood test today, had to be pricked twice thats why I'm worried about the IV
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Re: Surgery date for my ear finally! Basal cell update

Firestripes, I've been watching your posts. I sure wish the one surgery would do it for you, but If your doctors opt for two, I am sure it is with good reason. I would think the second surgery will be concerned with aesthetics only as opposed to the first one addressing the initial problem. This will be over, and just know that you will get through it. Try to stay as relaxed as you can -  although I know it's not easy. I personally am a worrier, so I understand how difficult this time is for you. Keep your chin up and stay positive.  Sending you love, Chrissy

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Re: Surgery date for my ear finally! Basal cell update

Firestripes, I agree with everything Chrissy76 said.  The second surgery will be to fine tune the reconstruction.  Don't worry.  All this will be behind you, soon.  Fill your mind with positive thoughts and images.  I'll be thinking about you on Monday.  Smiley Happy

Paws and enjoy life.
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Re: Surgery date for my ear finally! Basal cell update

Shouldn't this be under Health and Wellness instead of Beauty ???? They have a cancer thread there, also.

Posts: 23
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: Surgery date for my ear finally! Basal cell update

Best of Luck to you.  Will be praying for you.  Sorry it took so long to answer your post.  I still am getting used to this new format.  Sorry!  I agree, ask for baby needles.  It will help with the IV.

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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: Surgery date for my ear finally! Basal cell update

Thanks everyone
I just have anxiety
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Posts: 430
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: Surgery date for my ear finally! Basal cell update

Uh just got my period. My surgery is on Monday- during my period I have to constantly pee.

My last period of was two months ago - I joked with my husband that I would get my period when I have the surgery.

Happy 4th everyone