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Suggestions for Self-Tanning Drops

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Background:  I've been using WEN Bronzing drops since the product was launched.  Although I love the drops and the beautiful, natural tan look it gives, I am sick & tired of the dropper malfunctioning...ON EVERY BOTTLE.  I'm tired of fighting with it.  When I try to strategically pour a few drops out of the bottle, well, it doesn't turn out nice.


Question:  Do any of you use a similar product that you like & may suggest as a good alternative to WEN?  I like the idea of drops that I can mix into my daily WEN body cream, so a spray is out of the question (which I know he makes, too).

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Re: Suggestions for Self-Tanning Drops

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I have been using Faux Tan Luxe drops for face & body over a year now, I haven't had any issues wirh the dropper so far.  I like the fact that you can mix the drops in with your favorite lotions as well.




Tan-Luxe Face & Body Illuminating Self-Tan Drops - Medium/Dark AS

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Re: Suggestions for Self-Tanning Drops

@SoCal Bred 

Thank you so much!  I'm off to buy them now.

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Re: Suggestions for Self-Tanning Drops

i use both tan luxe drops AND isle of paradise self tanning drops and water.

both are excellent products and their droppers do not fail.

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Re: Suggestions for Self-Tanning Drops


Thank you for your suggestions as well.  I will look into both of them.

Time is just a drop in the bucket compared to eternity. It isn’t how long you live that matters; it is how well you are prepared to die. ~~Colonel Robert B. Thieme, Jr.
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Re: Suggestions for Self-Tanning Drops

I love the Younique tanning drops.  The dropper works everytime and the color of your tan is perfect!

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Re: Suggestions for Self-Tanning Drops

@SoCal Bred
I have these drops but after a few days when they start to fade they leave my face looking blotchy and horrible. I can't keep an even tan. Do you have any secrets? I'm 59 and fair skinned
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Re: Suggestions for Self-Tanning Drops

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I just use a few drops and blend it well into my daily facial moisturizer and apply it evenly over my face and in the evenings before I go to bed I do use a Clarisonic Skin Cleanser to remove any make-up, etc., then apply my night moisturizer.   I think using any face scrub exfoliator may help with the blotchiness to even out the skin texture.

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Re: Suggestions for Self-Tanning Drops

@SoCal Bred
Thank you for the tip. I live up in Northern California and just don't tan and don't always want to put on makeup. I look sickly without any color but when the drops fade I look even worse.
I will use a tiny amount. I have a really good exfoliator.
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Re: Suggestions for Self-Tanning Drops

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Sometimes instead of using the tanning drops I just lightly brush a little bronzing powder, 'Tan Lines' by RMS, it gives a nice subtle glow to your face.