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Re: Still on the fence on buying self tanner! Help!

he Jergens self tanning lotion is the best I tried to date. Its a gradual tan and it lasts  and looks completely natural

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Re: Still on the fence on buying self tanner! Help!

@Iwantcoffee wrote:

Just say no to self-tanners. Your natural color is beautiful. One color is not more or less beautiful than another.

You wouldn't say that if you saw my pastey legs!  Even my handyman commented!  LOL.  I've never used self tanners, but am tempted to try it on my legs.  WIthout it, I have to wear stockings if I want to wear a skirt.

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Re: Still on the fence on buying self tanner! Help!

Unfortunately for me, Jergens was very orangy on my skin.  I have pale freckled Irish skin which results in many brands leaving various degrees of orange.


I did just order the first "all natural and organic" self tanner out of Australia from Evine but have not tried it yet.  I know it goes on clear and they don't even suggest using any type of mitt or glove when applying in their instructions - just wash hands thoroughly after use.  It won't stain anything and the bottle actually states you can apply at night and jump right into bed because there will be absolutely no color transfer.  Sorry, forgot to mention the name - ECO Tan.  I will try to review it here after I use it.


I got it on their Beauty Day and it was a great price then.  Believe I paid around $25 or so for it which isn't bad for an all natural, organic product. 

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Re: Still on the fence on buying self tanner! Help!

@Wackers3, coat your palms  and cuticles with hand cream. Then when you wash your hands, there should not be any tanning residue left on your palms. I also use a cheap makeup brush to apply tanner to backs of my  hands and feet. I am waiting for my Josie Tanning Butter to ship. Hoping that this will be the answer for my dry skin. So many tanners dry me out.

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Re: Still on the fence on buying self tanner! Help!

I haven't used a self tanner in a verrry long time but am going to do a "practice run" but trying it on just a section rarely seen by most people ....  my thighs to just above my knees.    Just to get my technique worked out.  

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Re: Still on the fence on buying self tanner! Help!

@Tricolor wrote:

@Wackers3, coat your palms  and cuticles with hand cream. Then when you wash your hands, there should not be any tanning residue left on your palms. I also use a cheap makeup brush to apply tanner to backs of my  hands and feet. I am waiting for my Josie Tanning Butter to ship. Hoping that this will be the answer for my dry skin. So many tanners dry me out.


Thanks for the tips!  Like the brush idea for back of hands as they can often be left looking either with no color or too much.


I am also very prone to ST leaving my skin even drier than it already feels.  I have bought two brands this spring that both claim they are super hydrating so will see how well those claims hold up.  I particularly have an issue with any ST on my face as it feels almost prune like after using most.

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Re: Still on the fence on buying self tanner! Help!

I have some noticeable discoloration on my right leg from the knee down.  Does anyone know anything about "leg makeup" or have this problem, too?  Last summer I wore all long pants because of it and on those hot summer days I get so warm.  I am debating between leg makeup and self tanner. 

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Re: Still on the fence on buying self tanner! Help!

@jubilant wrote:

I have some noticeable discoloration on my right leg from the knee down.  Does anyone know anything about "leg makeup" or have this problem, too?  Last summer I wore all long pants because of it and on those hot summer days I get so warm.  I am debating between leg makeup and self tanner. 

IMHO self tanner would only make it darker.

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Re: Still on the fence on buying self tanner! Help!

I don't really "self-tan" anymore, but I do use the Jergens Natural Glow lotion a few times a year. I really stay out of the sun, and am vigilant about applying sunscreen, so I stay PALE year-round. Every once in a while, I'll be going somewhere and wearing something where I'd like to not look ghostly ( Smiley Wink ), so I will apply this every other day for a few days leading up to the event. I find that it just gives me the slightest hint of color, and hides any flaws I might have on my skin. I also really love the Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs spray. I will spray it on my hands and rub onto my legs, and it really does make them look flawless. I haven't tried the lotion form of this, but probably will sometime this season. HTH!

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Re: Still on the fence on buying self tanner! Help!



I have tried a number of self tanners, among them are Josie Maran self tanner products.  The best self tanner I have ever experienced and still using is Dr. Dennis Gross body self tanner pad.

These are the reasons why:  you use it after showering at night - allow your skin to dry.  Yes, you will smell a slight scent of the self tanner, but it will disapate.   In the morning you will see a slight color on your skin.  Use Josie Maran's body butter - now I find that the illuminating body butter is drying.  If you are over the menopause hiccup, the beauty tricks are limited - so you really need to research products.

I cannot say enough GOOD things about Dr. DENNIS GROSS BODY TAN PAD.  You will not be disappointed.  You will have to use a few towels depending upon your skin, BUT, he is well worth it.

Also - his tanning product does not come off on your clothes.  Josie Maran's illuminating body butter needs a good length of time to soak into your skin, otherwise, it will get onto your clothes.


I know this is a lengthy post, BUT, I so try to help women as they experiment with beauty products.  


I have stepped back from buying Josie Maran products because she has Lost Her Way.  She is getting silly with her marketing.  I feel that what ever is not selling goes into a great big pot and she starts mixing products together to come up with something that she can sell.   How much OIL can we possibly absorb???  Really.


This is an honest post.


Susan L. Hawkins