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it's very annoying when someone can't stand to miss the camera, even when they are straining to talk...Stay home & rest your yakky voice,... Anything for attention!
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I'm not sure I can keep watching. No body should come on air w such a rough voice imho

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I SO agree!! She keeps saying she FEELS fine. That's great but you don't SOUND fine!! And listening to her straining voice is what viewers must endure if we care to watch this show tonight.

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For people with serious allergies, the voice is frequently affected. Even QVC hosts I'm sure have a specific number of sick days they can take off.

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They are already down 2 female hosts on maternity leave. The day was full of fashion with many female hosts. There may not be anyone to cover this time. I give it to Lisa for working through it.

As far as the quality of the voice goes, it's far better than the screaming, singing, baby talking ones.

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She is doing better now, she is warmed up!

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Allergies affect my voice that way, too...I offer to stay home, but they ask me to come---maybe that happened to her, too.

I doubt it is for attention.

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if you click on the OP's name you will notice that all she does is post negative remarks. Must have a very sad life or do as she accuses the host of ""ANYTHING FOR ATTENTION.""

My recommendation is to ignore.

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Registered: ‎09-14-2013
On 6/6/2014 KateChopin said:

Allergies affect my voice that way, too...I offer to stay home, but they ask me to come---maybe that happened to her, too.

I doubt it is for attention.

I don't think it's for " attention " either but a scratchy voice is like nails on a chalkboard ):

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Registered: ‎09-26-2011

Possibly dedicated to her job?