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Spatty remove the makeup from the jar...........anyone purchased these?

I have and I am happy I know I will be using this as I get to the bottom of my creams and foundation.  I hope it is a success.  I saw them on shark tank but i don't know if anyone got in on the ground floor.  I have not used mine yet but I will and I think it is a great idea.

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Re: Spatty remove the makeup from the jar...........anyone purchased these?

I was just thinking about those Spatty's as I was trying to dig out the last bits of salad dressing from the bottom of the jar.


Not sure what happened with those but I think I saw a knock-off advertised shortly after the inventor was on Shark Tank.


Just did a quick seach and there are all sorts of Spatty's available on Amazon.

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Re: Spatty remove the makeup from the jar...........anyone purchased these?

I ordered these when they were on GMA Steals and Deals. I LOVE them - one small, one larger. They work so well to get that last bit out of my WEN bottles! Smiley Happy

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Re: Spatty remove the makeup from the jar...........anyone purchased these?

I lost cable and local tv so I forget about steals and deals do you mind telling how much you paid for them?  I am happy that I have them. 

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Re: Spatty remove the makeup from the jar...........anyone purchased these?

@DowntonAbbey wrote:

I lost cable and local tv so I forget about steals and deals do you mind telling how much you paid for them?  I am happy that I have them. 


It was $5 for the set of two (one big, one small) and the shipping was around 3 or 4.


Walmart has the set for $12 w/free sh.Woman Happy

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Spatty remove the makeup from the jar...........anyone purchased these?

Oh my $5.  boo hoo   I got mine on Amazon I think.........$14 or more but I thought they wre worth it because I can never get down to the bottom of my makeup bottle.  I need to remember to check out steals and deals with jill on air.  But I have to get this credit card paid way down. I have been very naughty with it.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Spatty remove the makeup from the jar...........anyone purchased these?

[ Edited ]

Hi @DowntonAbbey - Through Steals and Deals, I too paid $4.99 (regular price $10.99) + $2.50 S&H for the set of two. Well worth it IMO - I would pay more! Smiley Happy