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Re: So tired of having to sign in on the Beauty Board

Yes with all this 'work' they put in on this board you would think that they could have fixed this.
Happy WEN Girl since 1/12/2012
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Re: So tired of having to sign in on the Beauty Board

Yes, this has gotten old fast.  In addition to requesting that the sub-forums return in my daily email to QVC (, I'm adding this suggestion about not having to sign in constantly, as well.  SIGH...

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Posts: 762
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Re: So tired of having to sign in on the Beauty Board

I hope they actually read our emails - and care about our opinions.

Yes, this has gotten old fast.  In addition to requesting that the sub-forums return in my daily email to QVC (, I'm adding this suggestion about not having to sign in constantly, as well.  SIGH...

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Re: So tired of having to sign in on the Beauty Board

I havent experianced any of that.   I am using Chrome, does that make a difference?

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Re: So tired of having to sign in on the Beauty Board

@JeanLouiseFinch wrote:

@wildcat fan wrote:
I signed in about 10 times yesterday. I didn't have to do that with the other format. It slows us down and affects the overall experience in the Community. Hopefully, they'll have it worked out soon.

I use an iPad. Is it logging out PC users too?

Yes!    Cat Frustrated

Yep I'm a a PC and I have to repeatedly sign in again and again and I am hating it! Go put in a tub of laundry, come back and have to re-sign in.  Go to the bathroom, come back and have to re-sign in.  Go love on my puppies, come back and have to re-sign in. Open another window and browse elsewhere for a moment, come back and have to resign in. I understand if I went out shopping or to the beach for hours but this every few minutes is ridiculous!  This will probably be the final straw to drive me away.

~Dogs are my favorite people and my favorite people are dogs.~
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Re: So tired of having to sign in on the Beauty Board

I am thinking this is some sort of glitch. I have not experienced having to sign in repeatedly. I sign in, and I stay logged in until I sign out.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: So tired of having to sign in on the Beauty Board

I am thinking this is some sort of glitch. I have not experienced having to sign in repeatedly. I sign in, and I stay logged in until I sign out.

I stay signed in if I don't leave the boards but if I go to another tab or another site it have to log in again.
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Re: So tired of having to sign in on the Beauty Board

At first I thought it was due to the fact I was using private browsing on my iPad. Then I realized it wasn't the issue when I switched over to my laptop. It's the "new and improved" boards. 😳

So I just stay on my iPad since it's just as painful!
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: So tired of having to sign in on the Beauty Board

Tell me about it!  This board is ceasing to be fun.  The set up is so hard to figure how.  The first day they changed this board, I immediately emailed them and asked them why I was being asked to log-in.  Do you know I still haven't heard back yet!  This is ridiculous!