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So angry at Fragrance dot net!!!!

I ordered some perfume for my daughter for Christmas on Dec 11th and still not here, so I checked the tracking and it said scheduled for delivery on Dec 27th!!!!!!!!! So angry, will never order from them again..Which is unfortunate because I have ordered from them before and have always had good luck!!!!! Oh well just needed to vent!!!!!!!{#emotions_dlg.angry}

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Re: So angry at Fragrance dot net!!!!

Smiley Sad that is a shame! Please do not let it put a damper on your Christmas.
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Re: So angry at Fragrance dot net!!!!

So sorry that happened. I don't like them either. I now order from beauty dot com. Nice perfumes there and they fedex them right away, without asking them too. You daughter will understand.

Merry Christmas!

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Re: So angry at Fragrance dot net!!!!

It happened to me with an Amazon order (separate supplier, not shipped via Amazon Fullfillment) last week. I made my purchase on the 10th. The following day a mailing label was created and it had delivery by this past Friday at the latest. I tried to check the tracking and there was no info for it. We were having our family celebration Sunday so I was out one gift for one of my sons (he still had other things from us to open). I explained and he was fine with it. I did order a replacement elsewhere so he'll get it the next time he visits. Things happen, but it is frustrating when you think you have enough time and then things don't process as expected on the other end.

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Re: So angry at Fragrance dot net!!!!

Thanks ladies! I just needed to vent. I won't let it ruin my Christmas, she has other gifts, but I just never thought with ordering that early that I wouldn't get it in time. Oh well. My last time with them. I also have had great luck with Beauty dot com-super fast shipping!!!

Merry Christmas ladies!!!!{#emotions_dlg.biggrin}

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Re: So angry at Fragrance dot net!!!!

I have good luck ordering from

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Re: So angry at Fragrance dot net!!!!

Just print off a picture and wrap it. I hate when that happens.

Esteemed Contributor
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Re: So angry at Fragrance dot net!!!!

Are you sure it's not USPS that is the problem? They are terribly unreliable. Don't blame the store for the post office's incompetence.

Get your flu shot...because I didn't.
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Re: So angry at Fragrance dot net!!!!

On 12/24/2014 HonnyBrown said:

Are you sure it's not USPS that is the problem? They are terribly unreliable. Don't blame the store for the post office's incompetence.

ITA. I placed an order very late Sunday at Fragrancenet. It was for somone who I knew I wouldn't be seeing until New Year's Day so I wasn't worried about it. Last night after I saw your thread I went to their website to check my order. Although I hadn't received shipping notification, it showed that my package would be arriving today via Fed Ex. I didn't pay for any shipping so this was a nice surprise. I think you should call their CS and share your "vent" with them. They mght make it worth your time.

"And suddenly you just know it's time to start something new
And trust the magic of Beginnings..."
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Re: So angry at Fragrance dot net!!!!

On 12/24/2014 HonnyBrown said:

Are you sure it's not USPS that is the problem? They are terribly unreliable. Don't blame the store for the post office's incompetence.

The store has options how they ship products and should not promise delivery if they are not going to choose a carrier that will deliver by that day.

I do not order from fragrance dot net for a delayed shipment.