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Posts: 363
Registered: ‎03-11-2017

Skinn Pep 40 body butter expiration

Just got this today. I have not used it before. The body butter is thick and seems really nice, but the "use buy" info on the jar says 6 months. I have never heard of a body butter less than one year.


Since Skinn no longer puts the real date of manufacture on items I have no idea how old it really is now. Of course it was also on sale.


Ususally I don't pay too much atttnetion to the use by number on beauty items, but 6 months seems way to short to use 16 oz for someone who skips around with what I use. May have to reurn???

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Posts: 31,756
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Skinn Pep 40 body butter expiration

I would contact Skinn customer service , and ask them most skincare is good for way longer then it says.