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You write such good posts Chi-town girl, I really respect you for that.

I guess I just am not as into beauty products as many here are. My main goal was to find something that didnt break me out but keep my skin balanced. I tried Isomers because my skin could really only tolerate serums and from reading here then watching her, I went for it. Now that I am getting older I can go with the cream/serums then creams so I watched Dimitri and like others I like that his products dont start with water, I felt it was getting your moneys worth in that aspect. I am not really good at sharing reviews because I cant try a whole lot of lines looking for my holy grail at this point in my life.

Lets do connect and review our new Skinn products tho in a few weeks. I am curious to see what you think of the Translucence Resurfacing serum and peel, yes. I got my FLES yesterday, I am still working on that mini lift wand I got from her so I havent opened that yet. I will get my Matrixyl 20% Monday, so I am excited to add that to my body creams/lotions. I havent checked reviews at Shop either, actually I forgot and will do that later this evening. Thanks!

I gotta run and pick up a few things around here as hubs will be home soon. I hope to run into you maybe later or this weekend anyway. Like I said, I always like your postings, they are always helpful, interesting. See you later Smile

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On 8/15/2014 Chi-town girl said: So, what are your/our expectations???? If we don't know or understand our expectations, how can we decide if the product is effective? I purchased an 8 week treatment/peel package from a spa/esthetician. It was costly. It is a progressive treatment process. Weekly applications are a must. I did see improvements in my skin tone and clarity. Will it make you look like a 20 year To retain benefits as well as to continue to garner improvements, you need to continue using peels as a maintenance process. There is good info about peels on the web. Do some research, identify your goals-realistic, and then buy the products or services that will best serve your needs and goals. There are no miracle products. No overnight solutions. No way to completely reverse skin damage or aging. Since using Skinn and Isomers over the past 3-4 months, I have seen improvements in my skin tone and elasticity. And it's a much more convenient, affordable option than other lines or spa treatments. I'm reserving my comments/review for the Skinn peel until I complete one cycle. While I respect those who choose to make a judgment call--vague ones--after 1 or 2 applications, I think these are premature reviews. If you are having an adverse reaction, that's another issue, and you should stop immediately/return it. Look forward to discussing results and reviews for the Skinn peel in 3-4 weeks.

I purposely haven't posted a review here as I'm in agreement with your post, Chi-town girl. My expectations may be completely different from others, but I've been using Skinn products for several years and obviously I've been pleased overall or wouldn't still be purchasing them. I don't buy all of everything as some products work better than others for my skin type and needs. I've put together what works as a regime and gives good results. Dimitry was very clear that the ABC peels would show results over time so I had no preconceived notions of overnight miracles. I'm looking forward to hearing back from everyone in another month or so. So far, so good! {#emotions_dlg.thumbup}

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On 8/15/2014 SeaGal said:

You write such good posts Chi-town girl, I really respect you for that.

I guess I just am not as into beauty products as many here are. My main goal was to find something that didnt break me out but keep my skin balanced. I tried Isomers because my skin could really only tolerate serums and from reading here then watching her, I went for it. Now that I am getting older I can go with the cream/serums then creams so I watched Dimitri and like others I like that his products dont start with water, I felt it was getting your moneys worth in that aspect. I am not really good at sharing reviews because I cant try a whole lot of lines looking for my holy grail at this point in my life.

Lets do connect and review our new Skinn products tho in a few weeks. I am curious to see what you think of the Translucence Resurfacing serum and peel, yes. I got my FLES yesterday, I am still working on that mini lift wand I got from her so I havent opened that yet. I will get my Matrixyl 20% Monday, so I am excited to add that to my body creams/lotions. I havent checked reviews at Shop either, actually I forgot and will do that later this evening. Thanks!

I gotta run and pick up a few things around here as hubs will be home soon. I hope to run into you maybe later or this weekend anyway. Like I said, I always like your postings, they are always helpful, interesting. See you later Smile

Hope you are enjoying your weekend! Notice, the complainers have not responded - don't let them cause you any concerns. Keep posting. Wonder what Dimitri has planned for next weekend shows? Will be interested to see if they showcase/discuss the peel; that would be good.

The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality ~  Dante Alighieri
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I never felt a tingle with this peel. Of course, I'm used to fairly strong chemical peels that DO tingle. And peel the skin for a week after. To me, this is more of an exfoliating mask.

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I'll respond.

I see no problem with discussing how I am doing after a peel, even one peel, on the forum.

I would not post a review (when I say review, I mean under the product) after one use (or a few days of use, depending on the product) unless I had an allergic or adverse reaction.

Anyway, I did one peel last week. It was fine. I should add that I did not use the whole syringe as I shot 1/2 of it across the room when I was trying to open it, LOL. What a waste ahhh.

I left it on longer than the instructions stated (because Dimitri did mention he worked his way up to overnight). I did peel a bit after the second day. (I have no objection to peeling as long as I'm not red or raw). I wanted to do my second peel today, but I had a little irritation on my skin and won't peel if my skin has any sort of issue, so I'm disappointed about that. If that spot doesn't clear up, it will ruin my timing on the weekly peels.

Anyway, I did think my skin looked a little nicer after the first peel (about 3 or 4 days later). I was not expecting anything dramatic because I typically peel once a week.

Do the math.
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I purchased 2 kits, I did use 4 syringes so far, about 3 weeks into this treatment. I have pretty good skin so it is always hard to tell with products if they help me or not. I was just curious to see what kind of results others were noticing, plain and simple. I have used Skinn products since he came on ShopNBC, love lots of Dimitris products. I remember in the beginning every time I ordered something they always asked me to speak on ait about his products, only took them up 1 time, lol. In my opinion some of his new products just do not work for me like his older products. I was not sure what sort of results I would yield from this new peel, which is why I like to pose the question to others. The 2nd kit I will definetely use 1 per week, full dose. I only did 1 syringe half way and I prefer to use a entire syringe.

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On 8/16/2014 beautymogul said:

I purchased 2 kits, I did use 4 syringes so far, about 3 weeks into this treatment. I have pretty good skin so it is always hard to tell with products if they help me or not. I was just curious to see what kind of results others were noticing, plain and simple. I have used Skinn products since he came on ShopNBC, love lots of Dimitris products. I remember in the beginning every time I ordered something they always asked me to speak on ait about his products, only took them up 1 time, lol. In my opinion some of his new products just do not work for me like his older products. I was not sure what sort of results I would yield from this new peel, which is why I like to pose the question to others. The 2nd kit I will definetely use 1 per week, full dose. I only did 1 syringe half way and I prefer to use a entire syringe.

Your opening statement reads to me & others as a complaint. You state that you don't see any "real results". What "real results" are you expecting? Now it sounds like you are not familiar with peels and what to expect. So, if you don't know what to expect, and your skin is "pretty good", not sure what you are looking to achieve? Lots of good info on the web about peeling treatments. Estheticians sell them in a package format. Never 1-off. I think some customers are confused about peels and what to expect. Hope Dimitri has this product on the shows next weekend and provides more info/education on the product, process and realistic results info-what, how long it takes, etc.

The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality ~  Dante Alighieri
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Time for me to join in, as I do follow these threads.

Skinn user for around two years, occasionally stray and make some of my own stuff too.

The radiance oil is to die for and I did my very own little experiment smearing the last bit of any treatment I use of his on my left hand for the past few weeks. I don't recommend doing that. Or if you do, at least make sure to take the products all the way up your whole hand...

OK, the peel. I've done one so far and used half the syringe. Left it on 20 minutes. My tone is already quite good, skin texture got a bit smoother and a noticeable slight lift. Which accentuated a couple small lines. Ah well, all in good time. I am fair complected and did feel tingling. I'll do my second tonight.

Gokat, thank you. Some time back you mentioned using the Infuser with the lip stem rejen, for some reason I wasn't doing that. I'm adding in just a touch of that radiance oil too, because that stuff is amazing everywhere else.

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Thanks for the tip! I love that oil too.

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On 8/16/2014 caninefitchi said:

Gokat, thank you. Some time back you mentioned using the Infuser with the lip stem rejen, for some TI wasn't doing that. I'm adding in just a touch of that radiance oil too, because that stuff is amazing everywhere else.

Hey, caninefitchi! Glad to hear you're gleaning helpful tips from the posts here. I know I do. A veritable smorgasbord of information we have at our fingertips, thanks to everyone's generosity. "Turnabout's fair play" she says as she grabs her Essential Radiance and places it next to the Lip Stem Rejen! Go for it! This is war!{#emotions_dlg.w00t} We Skinn girls gotta stick together!{#emotions_dlg.thumbup}

A Dimitri Dazzler. Need I say More?