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Re: Skin Peeling after Cast Removal

I was in the exact situation as you: same 2 bones with a postop cast for 6 weeks.

The Nurse Practitioner recommended an *exfoliating scrub*  and it was unbelievable how well it removed the dead skin!!  I got mine at Bath and Body Works.  

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Re: Skin Peeling after Cast Removal

It WILL go away in a week or two

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Re: Skin Peeling after Cast Removal

My sympathies to you. I remember when I broke my ankle on Christmas Day many years ago how dry and itchy my leg was and I couldn't wait to get that boot off. As others have suggested, nothing that is alcohol based and a wash cloth to exfoliate. I used coconut oil and Vaseline/aquaphor for a while and it relieved the dry irritated skin. Good luck to you.
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Re: Skin Peeling after Cast Removal

@I am still oxox wrote:

I fractured two bones in my wrist and had to wear a cast for 6 weeks. It was taken off on Tue and my skin is all peeling I am not sure how to deal with it I am still wearing a brace and going to PT which involves a massage. The wrist is still pretty tender any suggestions thanks

@I am still oxox   Wow! Sor sorry you've had such a "time" with this injury. An OTC moisturizer like CeraVe should do the trick until you can ask your PT or doc.

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Re: Skin Peeling after Cast Removal

When the cast on my broken wrist was taken looked hideous under it!  I washed the area with warm water and applied moisturing lotion each day and it got looking better very quickly.

Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light. —Helen Keller
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Re: Skin Peeling after Cast Removal

The alcohol in hand sanitizer will dry your skin which is counterproductive. I would just use a very gentle washcloth and moisturizing lotion. It will take a few days.
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Re: Skin Peeling after Cast Removal

@SandySparkles wrote:


@I am still oxox wrote:

@SandySparkles I really do not have pain or inflamation but thanks. 

@SandySparkles wrote:

@I am still oxox I am sorry to read that you broke your wrist🤗, but am happy that you are now cast free!!!❤ Ice is ALWAYS good for tenderness/inflammation, and pain relief. I HOPE🤞 you are able to get some relief soon!!!🥰 



~~~All we need is LOVE💖


@I am still oxox My apologies.❤ I thought you were saying it was painful when you said it was still pretty tender.🥰



~~~All we need is LOVE💖

@SandySparkles , I read it the same way that you did, FWIW.

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Re: Skin Peeling after Cast Removal


@HisElk1 wrote:

@SandySparkles wrote:


@I am still oxox wrote:

@SandySparkles I really do not have pain or inflamation but thanks. 

@SandySparkles wrote:

@I am still oxox I am sorry to read that you broke your wrist🤗, but am happy that you are now cast free!!!❤ Ice is ALWAYS good for tenderness/inflammation, and pain relief. I HOPE🤞 you are able to get some relief soon!!!🥰 



~~~All we need is LOVE💖


@I am still oxox My apologies.❤ I thought you were saying it was painful when you said it was still pretty tender.🥰



~~~All we need is LOVE💖

@SandySparkles , I read it the same way that you did, FWIW.

@HisElk1 Thank you!🥰



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Re: Skin Peeling after Cast Removal

I would recommend you ask the advice of the health care professionals that you are working with.  They will probably be the best source of great information.