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Registered: ‎07-07-2012

Re: Skin Care Line for teenage with acne problems?

My family has a lot of experience with acne and one thing I can tell you is that none of them seem to be the same. Even our son and daughter have different types! The dermatologist said our daughter has an oily skin variety while our son's was dry skin. Imagine a 15 year old boy with dry skin? But the doctor was able to help both of them. They both took antibiotics and our son was clear within a couple of years. He's now 27 and has beautiful skin. Our daughter still struggles and when she stops the meds the really bad problems return. Even on the meds she always has a bumpy forehead. Birth control pills help her but she hates taking meds for so long. It just seems to be the only thing that helps. She's now 25.

Fortunately neither has cystic acne like my mom and brother. At 72 my mom is still having breakouts. Still oily but pretty much wrinkle free. That's one positive but not a trade I would make.

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Registered: ‎07-07-2012

Re: Skin Care Line for teenage with acne problems?

Forgot to mention that proactive didn't help our kids Smiley Sad

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Registered: ‎07-07-2012

Re: Skin Care Line for teenage with acne problems?

Norwex sells a makeup remover cloth that is an antibacterial fabric. Look into it! I'm using it on my dog's eyes and it is helping reduce the red tear stains that result from bacteria growing in wet areas.

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Re: Skin Care Line for teenage with acne problems?

Acne is sometimes a hormone problem. When we were in HS my best friend had terrible painful and irregular periods and she had terrible acne. When they put her on BCP for the period problems her acne immediately cleared up too.

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Posts: 1,391
Registered: ‎09-30-2012

Re: Skin Care Line for teenage with acne problems?

Another suggestion for Paula's Choice; particularly the 2% BHA. Their CS is great and you can get samples.