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Silk N' Glide hair removal device -- reviews?

Does anyone here own and use the Silk N' Glide hair removal device that has 30,000 pulses in the cartridge?


I'm just wondering as I have loyalty points at Shoppers Drug Mart in Canada that I want to redeem and this unit is on sale for $159 CDN (regular price is $179 CDN).


I have fair skin and dark hair and while I have had laser hair removal, I have some pesky chin hairs due to menopause. I read the reviews on both HSN and The Shopping Channel and the reviews are mixed (the items also had different amounts of pulses per device). People either liked it or they didn't. So if it worked or not worked for you, would you mind sharing your thoughts?

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Silk N' Glide hair removal device -- reviews?

OK, so I ended up buying this but had to return it as it worked for 1 day and then it quit working as it wouldn't pulse and the skin sensor wouldn't work either even though I have light skin. I don't have confidence in the brand after I looked on their website and didn't even see the model. The reviews about this and similar units by Silk 'N are mixed at best.


Maybe I just got a lemon, but who knows?

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Re: Silk N' Glide hair removal device -- reviews?

[ Edited ]

@TYI don't have the silk'n glide, but I have the sens epil and love it! I have had it for a few years and my legs are about 90% hair free. I have light skin with very dark, thick hair (but not no more!!! LOL) Yes, you need to buy refill cartridges, but I get them on silk'n's website around holiday times when they offer codes for around 20% off and they are reasonable and last for I think about 1500 pulses. I have had the Tria and while I had success with it, it takes FOREVER with the head size on that thing! So I still do use it to do my undeararms and an occasional chin hair that pops up, lol. I don't know anything about the "glide" model, but I do love the sens epil!!! HTH

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Re: Silk N' Glide hair removal device -- reviews?

I have the Sens Epil too and it got rid of most of my leg and underarm hairs. My problem with it was it did not get rid of the light-grayish-blond hairs in the bikini area or the few gray upper lip hair I had. Ended up buying another brand called Me Chic from evine which gets rid of any color hair on any color skin. It worked! Now I'm hair-free!Woman Very Happy