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I've had reason to be on Michigan Avenue in Chicago quite a bit the past couple of months. I purposely look to see what women of all ages and ethnicities are wearing in terms of makeup. When I'm consulting, it is typically at Fortune 100 companies so we're talking large populations of employees. YouTube is not being worn in the real world is all I can say. I rarely see a wingled liner, highlighter, or false lashes. 


The cosmetic companies might be pushing it, we might be buying it, but from what I see, we are not wearing it. 

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@Lulu Bea,    I was born and raised In Chicago.  I can say for most part the women are not into fashion or beauty products.  You have to catch a good day to see some fashionistas and beauties.  Plus, if you go on the weekends it's a lot of tourists.  I worked in prestige law firms years ago and there were only a handful of women into fashion and beauty.  

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@Lulu Bea wrote:

I've had reason to be on Michigan Avenue in Chicago quite a bit the past couple of months. I purposely look to see what women of all ages and ethnicities are wearing in terms of makeup. When I'm consulting, it is typically at Fortune 100 companies so we're talking large populations of employees. YouTube is not being worn in the real world is all I can say. I rarely see a wingled liner, highlighter, or false lashes. 


The cosmetic companies might be pushing it, we might be buying it, but from what I see, we are not wearing it. 

@Lulu Bea  Where I live I see the YouTube looks on people regularly.  Yesterday I went to Kroger and I couldn't believe how done-up some of the women were.  And it's not like they were dressed up either...unless you count leggings and yoga pants.  They were just in there grocery shopping with their kids.  At my last job, there were girls who would come in with a full face that must've taken an hour or so to do.


My sister lives in the D.C. area, and it's definitely a different look.  Subdued and professional.  I don't think I saw anyone there who had vivid eyeshadow, false lashes or winged liner.  I haven't been there for awhile, but I suspect it hasn't changed.

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I am no longer young and prefer a more matte look.

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Re: Shiny Face Look

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Shiny and illuminating are two different things.  I'm not familiar with this "shiny" look that you're referring to. The harder we try to achieve a natural look by applying makeup, the less you will look natural. 

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NO to shine!  Don't know how I'd feel about it if I were 20.  I'm 58 and matte is where it's at Smiley Wink 

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If you notice something it is overdone.  I think you should look healthy and attractive overall.  I don't like the greasy look.  It makes me want grab a wipe.

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I think this illumination craze came about w/ print photography, also in film with strategic lighting.


A touch of illumination in the right places suits me. I don't know what the "older" matte ladies are thinking! All matte can make a skin look older quicker than anything! Just study a young child's or teen's complexion.


I agree, @Katcat1, some take things way too far and so take what could be pretty out of the concept.



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IMHO less is more.  Softer lipstick, less eye makeup, etc.

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Re: Shiny Face Look

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It's the "Instagram Look". Strobing and contouring all over the place. You can also add a an instagram filter or use the adjustments on Instagram to enhance your look.