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Just wondering what you think of Shawn's earrings that she's been sporting these days?  When I was younger and had longer hair,  perhaps I would have worn them going out at night.   They look a bit too much for a daytime look with shorter hair.  What are your thoughts?

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Re: Shawn's Gigantic Earrings?

There's been talk on this forum about Shawn bringing a collection of her earrings to the Q.  They do seem ott!Woman Very Happy

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Re: Shawn's Gigantic Earrings?

Is this some big trend I'm missing?  I'm not seeing these anywhere else.  I think they are distracting from the total look.  Maybe that's the idea, just wear these and forget the rest of your outfit.

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Re: Shawn's Gigantic Earrings?

I personally would not wear them as I don’t like the look on me. TBH though, I’ve seen these same type of earrings at Walmart, the Dollar Store for less than $5. I’m sure this collab Shawn does with these earrings will be more expensive. 

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Re: Shawn's Gigantic Earrings?

[ Edited ]

I don't like large, costume jewelry near my face. I have a small bone structure and those earrings would wear me. 


Out and about I haven't seen this trend anywhere. 


Personally, I am not a fan of earrings that look like tassels used to hold back heavy drapes.

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Re: Shawn's Gigantic Earrings?

i love big earrings and have been wearing them for years now. i dont wear them daily because i like to change up my look, but they are definitely fun. iris apfel on hsn does some great items that are large and use interesting materials and designs. they are definitely not for everyone.


shawn has said she is bringing earrings in but not sure when they are coming out. amy stran also has big earrings coming sometime soon, which she previewed on social media.

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Re: Shawn's Gigantic Earrings?

I love them; I wear them most of the time : )

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Re: Shawn's Gigantic Earrings?

I just find her fashion sense just OFF>  She is not a teenager yet dresses like one. Time to grow up  and dress like a grown woman. 

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Re: Shawn's Gigantic Earrings?

I like them and would have woren them when I was young, but not now.  I do still wear large ones but not quite that large.


Just remember she is a host and wears edgy clothes and jewelry.

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Re: Shawn's Gigantic Earrings?

#totes ridic