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Re: Share Your Experience with Minoxidil?

Minoxidil is actually a medicine for blood pressure. It will grow hair in women. When you stop using it, the new hair will fall out. The amount of new growth varies widely and only a small percentage obtain good growth. It is worth a trial period. By the way, it was discovered when, during testing for adverse effects in high blood pressure use, men in the study grew long hair under patches on their arms. In men, it is not very effective and is best for baldness on the top of the head rather than on the front of the head.
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Re: Share Your Experience with Minoxidil?

At the end of 1 year: The dermatologist investigators reported that hair loss areas of the scalp had become smaller in 62% of the patients, unchanged in 35.1% and larger in 2.9%. In evaluating minoxidil effectiveness in stimulating hair regrowth, the investigators found the 5% solution very effective in 15.9% of patients, effective in 47.8%, moderately effective in 20.6% and ineffective in 15.7%. Hairs lost during washing numbered a mean 69.7 at the beginning of the study, and a mean 33.8 at the end of the study-a measure of the effectiveness of 5% minoxidil in halting hair loss in the patients studied. The mean score of patient satisfaction on a scale of 0 (extremely dissatisfied) to 10 (very satisfied) increased from 2.9 at study beginning to 4.4 at study end. Patient satisfaction scores were lower than the estimates of the physician investigators: the investigators rated efficacy of treatment as good or very good 25% more often than did the patients. Side effects, mostly dermatologic, were reported by 3.9% of patients in the study. None of the side effects was classified as serious.
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Re: Share Your Experience with Minoxidil?

Minoxidil (Rogaine, generic versions). This drug was introduced as a treatment for high blood pressure, but people who took it noticed that they were growing hair in places where they had lost it. Research confirmed that a 2% solution of minoxidil applied directly to the scalp could stimulate hair growth. How it works is still not clear. Two double-blind studies of women ages 18 to 45 demonstrated its effectiveness. In one study, 13% of female minoxidil users had moderate hair growth, and 50%, minimal growth (compared with 6% and 33%, respectively, in the placebo group). In the second study, 60% of women in the minoxidil group reported new hair growth, compared with 40% in the placebo group. As a result of these studies and others, over-the-counter 2% minoxidil is FDA-approved for treating androgenetic alopecia in women.
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Re: Share Your Experience with Minoxidil?

When used, it works. You must continue to use it though.

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Re: Share Your Experience with Minoxidil?

iachick, have you tried Wen Tea Tree Oil?

I did a comparison of the two on the Wen forum a while ago.

I have such good results from it, I cut back on my Rogaine use.

I have been using Wen Tea Tree Oil on my entire head (hairline to nape, ear to ear) since March. My hair is course and curly. As of right now, I have new growth that is fine (not downy) and straight. My hairline is filling out also, to the point where I see less forehead.

I use it prior to every Wen cleanse, so 2-3 times a week at night.

It doesn't have the shedding period that Rogaine does, so I saw growth quicker. I also don't have to be concerned about using it on healthy hair. All of my hair and scalp benefit from it.

Rogaine is every day, twice a day. Wen Tea Tree Oil is 2-3 times a week.

I now use Rogaine on the edge of my hairline. It frames my face, so I don't want the shedding that will occur when I stop using it. I also use Rogaine on my crown. There was a bald spot there, but, because of Rogaine, the hair has come in and it's completely covered.

When my new hairs get longer, I'll stop using the Rogaine and solely use Wen Tea Tree Oil.

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Re: Share Your Experience with Minoxidil?

Question: Does it change hair color? My hair is white and I don't want regrowth of darker hair like I had before I got older. I like the white!


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Re: Share Your Experience with Minoxidil?

Maren, Rogaine doesn't change hair color. I'm about 5% grey and Rogaine hasn't caused any color change. My new hairs grow in as my natural color.

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Re: Share Your Experience with Minoxidil?

On 12/19/2014 HonnyBrown said:
On 12/19/2014 mustbuyless said:

Thanks for starting this thread, OP. I've also been trying to figure this out. I bought a rogaine for women kit many years ago, but the application process just sounded too messy and hard to fit into a working day, so I didn't do it.

The foam process sounds much more doable,. Here's a video that I looked at:

My dermatologist also said it was the only truly reliable method.

It really isn't!

I do it after I brush my teeth. I apply it to my crown and the edge of my hairline in the morning and at night. Like iachick said, you just work it in with your morning and night regimens. It takes less than a minute.

Thanks, HonnyBrown, that's good to know. Appreciate getting your perspective. This is an informative thread

That's great that you are having such good results from Wen's tea tree oil. I'm going to have to look that sounds good.

I was curious about another product which apparently some people take while using Rogaine. Has anyone tried Mynoxidrin? a supplement from nexgen Biolabs. $39 for 90 pills, & most people take 2-3 per day. I was really surprised to see it getting 5 star reviews from nearly 157 people on Amazon. {#emotions_dlg.ohmy} I've never seen any hair-regrowth method get such high ratings- has to be rigged.I've just never seen such large scale rigging on amazon.

ETA: never mind; I just checked, and every product from this company is getting unanimous 5 star ratings. And many products have 100-200 reviews. They went to a lot of trouble and expense to fake those ratings! There's so much snake oil out there in the hairloss industry.

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Re: Share Your Experience with Minoxidil?

mustbuy, you are very welcome!

Rogaine is a lifetime commitment. Keep that in mind when you get it. It takes about 4 months to kick in. It's worth the wait because you get your hair back!

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Re: Share Your Experience with Minoxidil?

On 12/19/2014 HonnyBrown said:

Hearts4, yes, there is a "trick!" It will drip all over if you squeeze the dropper too hard.

Apply a small amount to your fingers and rub it into the desired area. Avoid your healthy hair if possible. Keep doing this until you have finished the dropper. This will work for a part.

If it's a bald spot, just release the dropper slowly while rubbing the medicine in.

Thank you, I tried your suggestion. I still seem to get too much all over my actual hair rather than just on my scalp and then my hair is very sticky after the solution dries. It's hard to comb/style. Guess it takes practice. Plus, the stuff fades my hair color! I imagine it's the alcohol in the formula. Very frustrating, but I will stick with it.