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Share Your Experience with Minoxidil?

I was hoping some of you ladies would be willing to share your experience with using Minoxidil for hair loss?

I have fine, thinning blonde hair. I've tried every type of thickening and volumizing hair product but I'm still very aware of my hair thinning, particularly around my part up by my bangs.

I recently noticed FDA had approved the use of Minoxidil 5% foam for women once daily. I know it's something I will have to use continually but that's no different than deodorant or makeup so I'm willing to make the commitment. I think I have realistic expectations - I don't expect miracles or that my hair will be like when I was young but some improvement in thickness would be great!

I would love to hear any input you have on Minoxidil from your experiences. Thanks!

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Re: Share Your Experience with Minoxidil?

I use 5% foam twice daily--my derm advised me. It works great.

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Re: Share Your Experience with Minoxidil?

Thanks for starting this thread, OP. I've also been trying to figure this out. I bought a rogaine for women kit many years ago, but the application process just sounded too messy and hard to fit into a working day, so I didn't do it.

The foam process sounds much more doable,. Here's a video that I looked at:

My dermatologist also said it was the only truly reliable method.

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Re: Share Your Experience with Minoxidil?

Thanks to these boards, I started using the 5% foam about 3-4 years ago. The good news is that if you use it faithfully twice a day, you will see regrowth. The bad news, at least for me, is that I got tired of using it regularly and my hair loss/thinning continues. It does increase hair growth on the face, but my face hair is very fair so I deal with it.

As far as I know, this product seems to be the best the market has to offer. However, the day you stop using it, the benefits stop. Good luck to you!

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Re: Share Your Experience with Minoxidil?

I use the 2% liquid for women. April 2015 will be 2 years. I don't have facial hair from it.

You use it twice a day, every day for life.

It works by accelerating the hair growth cycle, from shedding to growth. The new hairs grow in fine and thicken over time.

If you put it on healthy hair (like a receding hairline or a thin area vs a wide part), that hair will shed. Not all of it, but a noticeable amount.

It takes at least 4 months to kick in.

I buy the Target version when Rogaine for Women is out of stock. It works just fine.

I have nothing bad to say about it. It gave me my hair back!

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Re: Share Your Experience with Minoxidil?

On 12/19/2014 mustbuyless said:

Thanks for starting this thread, OP. I've also been trying to figure this out. I bought a rogaine for women kit many years ago, but the application process just sounded too messy and hard to fit into a working day, so I didn't do it.

The foam process sounds much more doable,. Here's a video that I looked at:

My dermatologist also said it was the only truly reliable method.

It really isn't!

I do it after I brush my teeth. I apply it to my crown and the edge of my hairline in the morning and at night. Like iachick said, you just work it in with your morning and night regimens. It takes less than a minute.

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Re: Share Your Experience with Minoxidil?

I've been using the 2% liquid, but it's a mess and runs down my scalp/face. Is there a trick to applying it? It seems to just smear all over my actual hair, and doesn't seem to actually be on my scalp even when I try to rub it in. Still a big sticky mess on my hair strands. What am I doing wrong?? Any suggestions would be great!

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Re: Share Your Experience with Minoxidil?

Hearts4, yes, there is a "trick!" It will drip all over if you squeeze the dropper too hard.

Apply a small amount to your fingers and rub it into the desired area. Avoid your healthy hair if possible. Keep doing this until you have finished the dropper. This will work for a part.

If it's a bald spot, just release the dropper slowly while rubbing the medicine in.

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Re: Share Your Experience with Minoxidil?

I have been thinking of using the product, but is the growth substantial enough to make a real difference, or is it just a say 30% increase of hair?

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Re: Share Your Experience with Minoxidil?

On 12/19/2014 sunshine3215 said:

I have been thinking of using the product, but is the growth substantial enough to make a real difference, or is it just a say 30% increase of hair?

If you are referring to, say, a square area that shows signs of thinning, that's questionable. If you apply the Rogaine to that entire area, some of those healthy hairs will shed. When all of the hairs grow back, they come in fine and downy. With continued use of Rogaine, they will thicken up and grow longer. That doesn't happen overnight.

If you are referring to a receding hairline or a wide part, the entire area will fill in. Just make sure not to use the product on healthy hair.

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