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Re: Severe cracking at corners of mouth

Easy enough to give the Neosporin a try, can get it from the drug store and try immediately. I would recommend that you slather it on overnight as well.  (Love that stuff.)


As a child I had that, and the doctor found I was vit B deficient.  (I see you do take biotin.) I take a B complex.


You may want your doc to test for any viral or bacterial infection  and also check any of the meds that you may be taking for side-effects.   


(I do see that you take Lycine, which I also found to be helpful for the very, very rare cold sore.)


I take beta caratene in lieu of vitamin A to reduce risk of overdoing - but I do see that you are monitored by your doc.


Good luck, and please let us know how you are doing!

Do the math.
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Re: Severe cracking at corners of mouth

@Mothertrucker wrote:

@luvinlife wrote:
I had this on and off for years! I tried everything that was suggested here and nothing worked. I dreaded eating food because it would hurt just to open my mouth. We weren’t wearing masks at that time so it was really embarrassing to walk around work/shopping with red, cracked corners on your mouth! I finally stumbled across Dr. Dan's Cortibalm and it healed in a week. I couldn’t believe it, it is truly a miracle product! I ended up buying 10 extra tubes because I didn’t want to be without it. I haven’t had angular cheilitis for almost two years now after using that product, I used to get it multiple times a year. Please try it!
@luvinlife wrote:
I had this on and off for years! I tried everything that was suggested here and nothing worked. I dreaded eating food because it would hurt just to open my mouth. We weren’t wearing masks at that time so it was really embarrassing to walk around work/shopping with red, cracked corners on your mouth! I finally stumbled across Dr. Dan's Cortibalm and it healed in a week. I couldn’t believe it, it is truly a miracle product! I ended up buying 10 extra tubes because I didn’t want to be without it. I haven’t had angular cheilitis for almost two years now after using that product, I used to get it multiple times a year. Please try it!

I had never heard of D r Dans, but with so many recommendations, I ordered a 3 pack!

@Mothertrucker  - please let us know how the Dr. Dan product works for you.  I'm curious since I had to get an RX.  If it doesn't work, I would suggest getting something from you doctor.  Good luck!

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Registered: ‎08-18-2016

Re: Severe cracking at corners of mouth


I haven't read any of the other replies, but this happened to me when I was about seven years old.

The cracks were so painful, and this is what the doctor told my mother to do:


Buy a bag of navel oranges. Score and peel an orange and give me the peels. Have me use my teeth to scrape some of the white material from the inside of the peel, chew it very well and swallow it. Don't go deep, near the outer skin. Just scrape off the most inner white part.

Do one orange every day.


@Mothertrucker , it worked like a charm. Since then I learned it had something to do with a B vitamin. Maybe niacinamide? Anyway, it won't hurt you, but it just might help, and you don't have to guess at the dosage. Good luck!

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Registered: ‎01-30-2015

Re: Severe cracking at corners of mouth

UPDATE!  Thank you all for your advice! It  has been about a week- I normally use Retin A a few nights a week- I immediately stopped that..The first couple of days I used some Neosporin on my lips..I ordered the Dr Dans Cortisone balm- it arrived on Friday and I have been using it religiously since- My cracks are actually almost GONE! They were even extending into the inside of my mouth, and bleeding- The bleeding has totally stopped, I can open my mouth wide and smile showing all my teeth! My lips are SO much better!


You guys are great!


Thank you all!

Posts: 38
Registered: ‎10-12-2010

Re: Severe cracking at corners of mouth

@Mothertrucker You’re welcome. So happy to hear Dr Dans is working for you!! Thank you for updating us!
Valued Contributor
Posts: 508
Registered: ‎05-07-2015

Re: Severe cracking at corners of mouth

Isn't Dr. Dan's great? I'm so glad you tried it and that it's helping! Thank you for posting an update đź’•