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Posts: 78
Registered: ‎04-02-2011

Seniors -"Cosmetic Surgery Special" .. "Retirement Living"

Today, (8/14/11) the Cable Channel known as "Retirement Living" TV *link* is presenting a show named:

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*RLTV Special* -- "Cosmetic Surgery Special"

Some popular cosmetic procedures available to mature adults and the psychology behind this growing trend.

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I went to the RL.TV webpage (link above) to see if its possible to watch their programs either live online (streaming video) or see past episodes online somehow. I don't see any ways to do this on their actual channel's webpage. Perhaps that opportunity is available elsewhere on the web. I haven't had a chance to check that out yet.

I was curious as to how they addressed "Seniors" in this Cosmetic Surgery special. I thought I could dream about cosmetic procedures for myself - at least I could afford the dream, and the procedure itself - and of course it would be painless and perfect in my dream. heh

If it's any good, maybe someone could find it elsewhere on the web where those who dont get this Retirement Living channel could possibly view the Special also?? Maybe you could share that link?? Enjoy! :-)