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No, they don't all smell. That Vita I use (and other's here have also said) does not smell.

So, the other day I used the Vita self tanner. A few days later I thought, "Hummmmm (yes I say that) I think I'll spray my face (I don't put much Vita on my face, just a little), so I sprayed my face with what my daughter (who owned a tanning salon a few years ago used) and a few hours later I smelled that unforgettable smell of a GUESS WHAT .....self tanner!

It was the one I'd sprayed on my face. I didn't have a chance to wipe off my face until later in the night. I smelled that stuff for the rest of the day.

Vita does not have a smell. I don't smell much (every now and then) but I sure can smell a self-tanner smell.

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On 6/12/2014 Porcelain said:

Are you guys saying that Vita Libertata has no baking bread smell while developing? Hours after applying when the tan gradually shows?

If Libertata does not do this, it must have a completely novel formulation. I'd like to know what it is. I watched a presentation of the product and was under the impression it contains the same old DH tanner as the rest. What's different about it to avoid that step? Super fast development?

I do think it must have something to do with the super fast development because I am tanned immediately!

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On 6/13/2014 silkyk said:
On 6/12/2014 bunny~ said:

I started using Jergen's Natural Glow a few days ago. Smells nice like a body lotion. No chemical smell at all and I am pleasantly surprised with that.<br /> It has given me nice color also.

I use this too in the foam version med/dark (so easy to apply and NO streaking or smell!) everyday and keep my "natural glow" all year. Best I've ever used!{#emotions_dlg.thumbup1}

Jergen's Natural Glow is what I've been using, and there is most definitely a chemical smell -- not a first, but after a few hours. Someone described the smell as "corn chips." That's the smell. I use it only at night now so I can wash it off in my morning shower.

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On 6/13/2014 muttmom said:
On 6/13/2014 Desertdi said:

I put self tanner on last night. Right now, I stink from rotting pumpkins......AND I have NO color......nothing but the lousy smell.

At least you do not look like rotting pumpkins.


No thought is worth thinking.....
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On 6/13/2014 bunjetto said:
On 6/13/2014 muttmom said:
On 6/13/2014 Desertdi said:

I put self tanner on last night. Right now, I stink from rotting pumpkins......AND I have NO color......nothing but the lousy smell.

At least you do not look like rotting pumpkins.


Well, now I'm faced with another decision.........should I try a second coat tonight? It's the middle of June, and I still look like a ghost...........

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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On 6/13/2014 annabellethecat said:

No, they don't all smell. That Vita I use (and other's here have also said) does not smell.

So, the other day I used the Vita self tanner. A few days later I thought, "Hummmmm (yes I say that) I think I'll spray my face (I don't put much Vita on my face, just a little), so I sprayed my face with what my daughter (who owned a tanning salon a few years ago used) and a few hours later I smelled that unforgettable smell of a GUESS WHAT .....self tanner!

It was the one I'd sprayed on my face. I didn't have a chance to wipe off my face until later in the night. I smelled that stuff for the rest of the day.

Vita does not have a smell. I don't smell much (every now and then) but I sure can smell a self-tanner smell.

Allow me to correct myself. They all smell on me including Vita Liberata. If I get sweaty the next day from a hot flash or if it is a very humid day, I can smell it. Again, some are better than most but even when I put body lotion on the next day, if I smell my arms, I can smell the lotion AND the undernote of the self-tanner smell with Vita Liberata. That's always my "test" is putting body lotion on my arms. For some reason, that brings out the self tanner smell even after a shower.

Beauty blogger and YTer who loves it all! Cheers, Lulu Bea aka Lulu On Beauty - Let's be FACEBOOK beauty friends!
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On 6/12/2014 annabellethecat said:

I use Vita. I agree with people who said it has no smell. It has no smell. I've tried almost every one out there and I can tell you they all have a smell EXCEPT Vita.

ITA! This is the ONLY one that has no smell!

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On 6/13/2014 Funloving said:

I have a question I hope someone will answer if you can. I already have a medium skin tone and tan easily.

Would Vita Liberata be suitable for my medium skin? And can it be used on the face without that unnatural look?

It's one I keep reading glowing reviews about here... and really would like to try. Seems most of the comments are from fair ladies.

TIA! {#emotions_dlg.wub}

FL - Yes, VL would be fine for your skin. You could either get the medium tint and apply a few times (if necessary) or get the dark and see if that works better. I can honestly say that this is the only ST I have ever had success with on my face (or body, for that matter.) Most of them make my face feel so dry and weird looking - almost like it ages my skin or something. Hard to explain. I used the VL face ST the other night and my skin has not felt the least bit dry nor does it look odd, just natural with some color. I am going to apply some more today or tomorrow.
I have never used any other brand that didn't leave some orange tint on my legs and this one looks great all over. Absolutely not a drop of orange anywhere. I am just thrilled that there is actually one I can use if I want something quickly and don't have the chance to get a professional spray tan.

And I bet it would make a professional spray tan last a lot longer if applied a few days after the spray tan. Maybe the 4th or 5th day. I will try that next. I think that could extend the tan for maybe a week which would save a little $$ on the professional ones.

They have a few different types too - one is known as the Rapid Tan which you leave on depending on how dark you want to get. That might be a good choice for you with medium skin and just plan on leaving it on the longest. Then there is the Phenomena (sp?) which you apply 3 days in a row and it is suppose to last up to 3 weeks. Then the regular version and a gradual tanner. Most come in mousse and lotions (I much prefer mousses as I think they are easier, faster to apply and dry in a flash) forms with the exception of the face which I have only seen in lotion, which kind of makes sense.

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I can usually smell ST for as long as they remain on my skin and I can't smell the slightest hint of ST with the VL brand. As far as how they formulated it to prevent that, I doubt they will share that information as other companies would steal it in a heartbeat. It is likely a combination of how they actually work with the ingredients and what other ingredients were included which might have some ability to counter balance the smell. They were able to conquer a few typical complaints of ST in general, from no orange and no streaking to fading evenly and super fast drying, among others.

It really doesn't matter to me how they accomplished all these feats but more so, that they did. Maybe they heat certain ingredients, or cool them or combine them in a totally different way than others before them have done yet whatever their proprietary formula is and how they got there is a real testament to them.

It's a great product line and I am thrilled that one has finally been created that I can use and not have un-natural colored skin. And they do hydrate the skin well. I was very concerned about that because my skin is so dry yet I have done well with the body formula not requiring any additional creams. My skin looked and felt fine, not all dry and flakey. I did use additional moisturizer on my face after about an hour and it didn't interfere with the tanning process.