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I am using the Vita Liberata, which I love, and there is no smell. I have used St. Tropez and the smell on me is bad until I wash it off in the shower.
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Speaking of self-tanning, I got the TanTowels TS yesterday and used one last night, showered this morning and I'm pretty sure I'm darker now than I was this morning after I showered. I just think it's interesting that it keeps darkening even after washing it off. Anyone else get their TanTowels TS from last week?

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I've tried many self tanners and they ALWAYS smell like feet on me after a few hours. So I don't use them anymore but use bronzers now that wash off in the shower. Josie Maren has one that is really good and also Sally Hansen has leg make up that is good too. If you add just a bit of moisturizer to these products, they go on smoother.

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I usually use self tanners at night and then sleep in them, then you don't have to worry about feeling dirty from the self tanner feel & smell during the day.

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I received the Discovery Kit that had a trial size of Vita Liberata in it and tried it today. It comes out of the pump like a really foamy mousse and you use a foam mitt to apply. Not ONE single bit of smell at all and every other self tanner I have used has had a smell. The color looks nice on my arms (that is all I did today), but if you read some of the reviews for this product it says that the color just washes right off and doesn't last. I will be curious to see how it looks tomorrow. Dried SUPER fast and has not been sticky at all.


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On 6/12/2014 RedConvertibleGirl said:

I don't notice anything with St. Tropez or Faux Tan.

ITA. St. Tropez gave me the truest color too.

Posts: 24
Registered: ‎02-27-2011

I started using Jergen's Natural Glow a few days ago. Smells nice like a body lotion. No chemical smell at all and I am pleasantly surprised with that.
It has given me nice color also.

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I use Vita. I agree with people who said it has no smell. It has no smell. I've tried almost every one out there and I can tell you they all have a smell EXCEPT Vita.

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On 6/12/2014 annabellethecat said:

I use Vita. I agree with people who said it has no smell. It has no smell. I've tried almost every one out there and I can tell you they all have a smell EXCEPT Vita.

I've written about this MANY times on MANY threads because it bears repeating--there is NO SMELL with Vita Liberata.

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Registered: ‎04-04-2014
I haven't noticed an offensive smell with any self tanner I tried. It must have to do with individual body chemistry because I have a very strong sense of smell