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Is there really a self tanner that does not produce an odor? Even if they start out with a pleasant scent, I always end up with that weird smell.

Maybe it is just my body chemistry???


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I don't notice anything with St. Tropez or Faux Tan.

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I use St Tropez and I don't really notice an odor. My husband told me one time when I was applying it that it smelled a little weird but once it dried it went away. Which tanner do you use?

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The ONLY one with NO odor is Vita Liberata. I am VERY sensitive to smells and I found that Tarte and St. Tropez both have the dreaded self-tanner smell. Vita Liberata is expensive but to me it is worth every penny since I have never been able to use self tanner before.

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Tan Towels are better than most that I've tried, but there's still a slight smell after a few hours. It might have to do with body chemistry, but also I think it's just what happens when you're dying your skin.

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Tarte and St. Tropez both turn that corn chip odor. Bare Minerals has a almond cherry smell but no after odor.

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On 6/12/2014 turtle52 said:

The ONLY one with NO odor is Vita Liberata. I am VERY sensitive to smells and I found that Tarte and St. Tropez both have the dreaded self-tanner smell. Vita Liberata is expensive but to me it is worth every penny since I have never been able to use self tanner before.

Absolutely and 100% agree! I used this for the first time yesterday and there is not even the slightest hint of a ST smell. It is one of the amazing results from this brand as it also doesn't streak, fades evenly, easy to apply and I can swear to this, has not even the merest hint of an orange tinge.

I have never, ever been able to use another brand that 1) had no smell and 2) or leave even the merest touch of an orange cast, on my legs especially, but this one has accomplished both feats with flying colors.

I was really hopeful, after reading tons of 5 star reviews on many sites, that it would work this well on my pale, freckly, Irish skin and I am so thrilled to be able to say it has and looks great.

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I use Banana Boat Summer Color Airbrush spray and don't notice an odor after I've showered. It has an odor going on and an odor while it develops though. However, I only tan my legs. Perhaps an entire body of the stuff would produce an odor.

I think you are going to get all kinds of answers. Some people don't notice the odor at all. I see people recommend Jergens gradual tanner all the time and claim there is no odor but I beg to differ. The stuff wreaks big time.

Last summer I attended a wedding and while in church, I could smell that tell-tale self-tanner odor. It was disgusting and kept wafting throughout the church. Afterwards, a group of us was standing around and the smell was really intense. I realized it was my sister!!! I said something to her and she said she didn't smell it at all. She only smelled her body lotion and perfume. It was gross. And it was the Jergens she used.

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I have not encountered an odorless one. I've had friends recommend ones they said had no odor. I guess they had no sense of smell because I could smell it on them.

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I am convinced that it has something to do with a person's body chemistry. BE stinks on me, St Tropez and Tarte are wonderful and never leave an odor. My new favorite is Tarte - - and it has become my holy grail of faux tanners. The reason I rank Tarte above St Tropez is that it fades extremely naturally on me. Again, I think it depends on an individual's body chemistry.