Posts: 59
Registered: ‎04-08-2010

Sea of Love or Sunshine Grace?

I am an amazing grace, baby and FIL summer grace person. Does anyone prefer Sea of Love over Sunshine Grace? Their descriptions are not helpful and I do not know where to go to test these scents. Thanks.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Sea of Love or Sunshine Grace?

I tested Sea of Love at Ulta this weekend, and I was very pleasantly surprised. I have not liked anything new from Philosophy since Unconditional Love. Sorry, I have not tried Sunshine Grace, but Sea of Love is a delicate (not biting) aquatic with a hint of sweetness.

For reference, I use AG, UL, PG, IG and FIL.

Posts: 59
Registered: ‎04-08-2010

Re: Sea of Love or Sunshine Grace?

Thank you.

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Posts: 327
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Sea of Love or Sunshine Grace?

I actually have both and love them both! I loved sunshine grace when I tried it last year because on me, the smell reminded me a LOT of Bobbi Brown Bath, which I also adore. This new one sea of love is actually quite similar but stronger IMO. On me it just smells really clean and pretty. I'm not at all good at describing scents but Ulta and Sephora both carry it as well as Nordstrom if you live close to any to smell it in person.

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Registered: ‎12-05-2012

Re: Sea of Love or Sunshine Grace?

I prefer Sea of Love to Sunshine just based on sniffs in the store also because of it's 'beachy' smell but my favorite is Summer Grace. This is the only one I would purchase(and have twice).