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First, I like the SKINN products I'm using.  Have been looking at the photos women are posting on Facebook that have been using the 30 day Face Boot Camp and I gotta say, I don't see one iota of a difference in any of them.  Some of these women have been using it for the full 30 days and posting pics from Day 1, Week 2, Week 4.  Maybe the change is more obvious in person but I don't see any change or improvement in the pics.


Curious to know if anyone here has purchased it.  Have you been using it?  Do you see a change/improvement?  This stuff is expensive and for the price, I'm not seeing anything that would make me want to purchase it.

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Posts: 22,957
Registered: ‎10-03-2011

Re: SKINN 30 Day Face Boot Camp

It's out of my price range, even on sale, so I didn't even look at it. It doesn't sound like I'm missing out on anything.  

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Posts: 30,469
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: SKINN 30 Day Face Boot Camp

Probably just a rehash of ingredients he has used before just gave it fancy tilte for marketing purposes. 

Honored Contributor
Posts: 9,855
Registered: ‎02-07-2011

Re: SKINN 30 Day Face Boot Camp

Didn't like the "non negotiables" from this line and haven't bought anything else.


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Posts: 1,367
Registered: ‎05-06-2010

Re: SKINN 30 Day Face Boot Camp

@JeanLouiseFinch, my results are ASTOUNDING. I don’t know what others are looking at, and I can only speak for me, but I LOVE IT!