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@BarkLessWagMore wrote:

No, it always hurts. It works but it always hurts Smiley Happy  My daughter tried it on her underarms and it made her bleed. She has very dark hair and may have gone over the spot too many times though. She's afraid of the thing now.


It never hurt me. Not even the first time I used it. 

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@Lipstickdiva wrote:

I don't use the Emjoi but I have seen the demos.  Meghan always says that on your face you should start off with the sensitivity cover.  She also says you should go in a circular motion.  Maybe you can re-watch the video for the product you have and see how it's demo'd.


I think whether it hurts or not is very individual.  I have friends who epilate and some say it hurts like crazy, some say it quit hurting after a few uses and some said it never hurt.       



Using the sensitivity cover almost caused me to return the Emjoi because it wasn't removing any hair at all. Then someone told me the cover is worthless and I haven't used it since. It removes hair now.


There is no specific direction that is "correct" to move the Emjoi in. Over the years I have heard, read, and seen different suggestions from the vendor, the instructions, and the hosts  


What is important, in my experience, is to go over the area more than once. Up, down, around, back and forth... The more different directions you go, the more likely you are to get more hairs. Also, going over on the low/slow mode and also going over the same area using the high/fast mode helps. 


It may take a bit more time than expected.

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@Suebdoo wrote:

@Shanus wrote:

@BarkLessWagMore wrote:

No, it always hurts. It works but it always hurts Smiley Happy  My daughter tried it on her underarms and it made her bleed. She has very dark hair and may have gone over the spot too many times though. She's afraid of the thing now.

Not a glowing review of the epilator, right? May stay with my bleach. The idea of shaving my face is scary!!


@Shanus of course it's going to sting or pinch, it's pulling the hair out!  Totally worth it for me because you can go a week or so .....even more after you have used it awhile.  My personal experience is that the hair grows in finer and lighter, especially on my legs and upper lip.  I think there are numbing cream you can buy if needed, maybe at Sally's.


If my choice was to use the Emjoi , or use bleach, that's an easy one for me.  Why in the world would I want light blonde or white , glow in the dark, hair on my face?  I think that draws more attention.



I agree! I remember a friend in college who bleached the hair on her face. She had a heavy, very visible mustache... It looked pretty bad.

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I've never used an Emjoi, but I do have an epilator.  My cousin told me to get one that you plug in, as opposed to one that runs on batteries.  I wanted it for under my arms because I was tired of waxing and I started waxing because I was tired of shaving.  Well, now I am tired of epilating and would like to do laser hair removal, but I don't know much about it and haven't looked into it.


Anyhow, after the first time I epilated under my arms I said if it were a movie it would be called "There Will Be Blood!"  The runner up title was "Holy Pain, Batman!"  It took a few times for me to get into a groove and it was a lot better after that.  Less pain, less hair to pull out.  I do think I have to if rather often (twice a week??) because of the differences in each hair's growth cycle; they don't all grow at the same time.


I like the results overall.  I think it's hard to do the underarm area.  It's easier when you can pull the skin taut, but it's just hard to do on oneself sometimes.  I've had many times where I was too rough or went over the same area too many times and my skin was kind of raw.  I never wear deodorant afterward, I'll wait until the next day when it's more back to normal. 


I tried my legs down by my ankle area and couldn't take the pain.  I haven't tried it again so I don't know if it's something I could adjust to like my underarm area.

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I lost the "sensitivity cover" so I just use this straight on my face but I make sure I don't have both sides flat and touching my face, just one side at a time, so i holf it an at angle.  I also do not go in a cirrcular motion, I use a back and forth motion. Prior to this product I would shave my face, which I still sometimes do, I don't have dark, course hair but I like the way products work on my face without peach-fuzz.


The main thing I have found, and this is the only epilator I have ever used, the lighter touch you use the better.  If you put any pressure on the epilator it just doesn't remove the hair, this is true for face, legs, anywhere.  Very light, feathery touch and the hair removes much better.


Just as an aside, to those recommending waxing...I damaged my skin waxing, sometimes the skin would come off, I actually had a dark mark on my upper lip from wax pulling the skin off and scarring me.  I will never wax again.

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@sullw wrote:

I lost the "sensitivity cover" so I just use this straight on my face but I make sure I don't have both sides flat and touching my face, just one side at a time, so i holf it an at angle.  I also do not go in a cirrcular motion, I use a back and forth motion. Prior to this product I would shave my face, which I still sometimes do, I don't have dark, course hair but I like the way products work on my face without peach-fuzz.


The main thing I have found, and this is the only epilator I have ever used, the lighter touch you use the better.  If you put any pressure on the epilator it just doesn't remove the hair, this is true for face, legs, anywhere.  Very light, feathery touch and the hair removes much better.


Just as an aside, to those recommending waxing...I damaged my skin waxing, sometimes the skin would come off, I actually had a dark mark on my upper lip from wax pulling the skin off and scarring me.  I will never wax again.

Since I use Retin A, waxing on my face is not an option it will pull skin off w/ the wax sometimes. 


TMI warning: At 68, the hair under arms and on legs which had to be shaved every single day has diminished over the last 5 years, but has now taken up residence on my cheeks (fuzz) and long, course chin hairs that are difficult to see. 


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I have epilated for years. I have so little hair left on my once very hairy legs that I maybe do it once a month. A year ago I bought the Hair-Off Mitten to use AFTER I epilate, it just makes the skin even more smooth! Then I lotion up!


I have never had pain when I epilate, high pain threshold I guess!

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@Shanus,   You may want to consider a lady's electric razor.  I have one and it gets the job done.  Cat Wink

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@Katcat1 wrote:

@Shanus,   You may want to consider a lady's electric razor.  I have one and it gets the job done.  Cat Wink

On your face?

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Registered: ‎06-04-2010


[ Edited ]

Mine didn't come with a sensitivity cover, neither did the one I bought for my daughter. Just a plastic cap and a little brush to clean it. It works fine for me for peach fuzz on the face, I use the circular motion too but it still hurts so much under the arms & bikini line so that I've stopped using it for that.