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Re: Rosacea, Metrogel --- and sheesh, I need some advice!!!

Thank you!!!!

Unfortunately, I have the type 2 also. It is very ugly!!!! I truly have sympathy for all that suffer with this.

I guess I will just have to try and be patient (hard to do) and see how it goes.

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Re: Rosacea, Metrogel --- and sheesh, I need some advice!!!

I'm glad you got a diagnosis so that you know what is causing the problem, but sorry you have rosacea. I was diagnosed with rosacea about 17 years ago. I have type 2, plus ocular rosacea. The thing that makes rosacea difficult to treat is that although symptoms may be the same, the triggers and successful treatment vary widely from person to person. What works wonders for one person can be a disaster for another. Like Maestra, I never introduce more than one new product at a time. I get samples whenever possible and I only buy from places that have good return policies.

I would caution you against trying any new skincare or makeup right now since you just introduced the metrogel. You'll want to see how your skin reacts to the medication without complicating the issue with possible reaction to new skincare/makeup. I would suggest just simplifying your routine: cleanser, metrogel, sunscreen in the morning, moisturizer as needed. Stick with the makeup you've been using. Give the metrogel a few weeks to see how it works. It can take awhile for a reaction to show up. I know it's hard to be patient and not try lots of new products to help improve your skin, but it's worth the wait.

Good luck!

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Re: Rosacea, Metrogel --- and sheesh, I need some advice!!!

Good advice! Yes, it is very hard to sit still and not try this or that. I keep looking in the mirror --- is it better yet? Ha! If only it worked that fast!!

Thank you so much, everyone! I hope you are all having a blessed holiday!!!!

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Re: Rosacea, Metrogel --- and sheesh, I need some advice!!!

I use both Metrogel and Finacea. Metrogel 1% is a once-a-day treatment. I have highly sensitive, dry, fragile skin. Here's my standard routine: Olay Foaming Facewash, Sensitive Paula's Choice Skin Recovery toner Paula's Choice BHA, currently using Resist 2% BHA but I started with 1% lotion Prescription Metrogel/Finacea on cheeks, chin, nose and bridge of nose - very small amount (In the winter I add serums. Olay Regenerist Microsculpting fragrance-free, or Skin Recovery Serum. I also add Paula's new oil booster drops to my serum) Skin Recovery Mosturizer - daytime lotion, spf 30, for daytime and cream, no spf, at night. Behavioral ha is and diet have some impact. Hot/spicy is one of my triggers. Amazing what a few bits of jalapeños can do. Takes several days to a week to show. Temperature changes, too. Make sure you have a zinc oxide/titanium dioxide based sunscreen on over the medication if you are going outdoors at all. Sunlifht on non-protected meds leads to big puss-filled papules about a week later.
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Re: Rosacea, Metrogel --- and sheesh, I need some advice!!!

Most of my eye problems came from thyroid, but dey eyes and itching are not unusual with Rosacea, too. I had my lower tear ducts plugged and use Zatidor as needed along with GenTeal gel drops. True occular rosacea can only be treated with tetracyclines and I am not tolerant of many antibiotics so we avoid nonessential treatment.
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Re: Rosacea, Metrogel --- and sheesh, I need some advice!!!

I, too, have Rosacea, and was diagnosed about a dozen years ago. I tried Metrogel and it did nothing for me. Another dermatologist prescribed Finacea and I have been using it ever since. Now that I am retired, I order it from Australia as a prescription is not required and it is about 1/6th the cost of what it would be from a U.S. pharmacy. I use Cetaphil to wash my face twice a day. Everything else is trial an error. Recently, I discovered Paula's Choice and I now use her makeup, powder, Toner and BHA. Paula's Choice offers a line specifically for Rosacea patients. Good luck to you, and Happy New Year.

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Re: Rosacea, Metrogel --- and sheesh, I need some advice!!!

Thanks, everyone! I am learning so much here! It is really wonderful to be able to share information.

What type of sunscreen do you use? Do you use it in place of your moisturizer?

Is using sunscreen even more important when you have Roscaea? I just use a moisturizer with 15 SPF and a foundation with the same. I do not go outside for very long periods of time. Is it necessary to use a heavy sunscreen every day. Won't this make the Rosascea worse???

I hope everyone has a wonderful New Year, as well. Oh --- and a terrific skin year!!!! Smile

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Re: Rosacea, Metrogel --- and sheesh, I need some advice!!!

Yes, sunscreen is essential. I was told a 30. My derm said CeraVe is the best.

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Re: Rosacea, Metrogel --- and sheesh, I need some advice!!!

On 12/25/2014 Carolm said:

I, too, have Rosacea, and was diagnosed about a dozen years ago. I tried Metrogel and it did nothing for me. Another dermatologist prescribed Finacea and I have been using it ever since. Now that I am retired, I order it from Australia as a prescription is not required and it is about 1/6th the cost of what it would be from a U.S. pharmacy. I use Cetaphil to wash my face twice a day. Everything else is trial an error. Recently, I discovered Paula's Choice and I now use her makeup, powder, Toner and BHA. Paula's Choice offers a line specifically for Rosacea patients. Good luck to you, and Happy New Year.

May I ask the name of the Australian Pharmacy? And the strength you use? I'm interested in ordering. TIA

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Registered: ‎10-14-2014

Re: Rosacea, Metrogel --- and sheesh, I need some advice!!!

I too have roscea and would get small pimple like bumps on my chin - metro gel did nothing for me and I was on a low dose antibiotic - oracea. One day I was watching Dr Oz and they were talking about oil of oregano - i purchased capsules of it and took 1 a day for about 2-3 weeks - and it was amazing. My skin has completely changed and no pimples - i do not take it anymore unless I see a flair - but it has worked wonders for me and it is cheap and natural.