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Re: QVC ....Thank you for your unreasonable s/h charges

Considering how many retailers offer free s&h for orders over a certain amount and ship orders in one package, etc. it's time for QVC powers to reinvent how they package orders for shipping and of course the rates.

The biggest problem I have with QVC's shipping and handling is when you order multiple items at the same time and those items the same "order number" one is still charged individual shipping for each item. Without being on the inside they could save thousands per week by shipping orders with the same order number in one package.

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Re: QVC ....Thank you for your unreasonable s/h charges

On 6/13/2014 Tinkrbl44 said:

I seriously considered buying a beautiful silver chain bracelet the other day .... until I noticed that the S/H was $7.72 ..... to mail a freakin chain! {#emotions_dlg.scared}

I said no thanks. {#emotions_dlg.thumbdown}

Last Saturday, I bought a desk top computer online from Sam’s Club; the S&H was $7.00. It arrived Thursday from FedX. So why is a small chain bracelet the same price for shipping on the Q?

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Re: QVC ....Thank you for your unreasonable s/h charges

If the charge is listed as S & Handling then the tax is on the handling charges (packing materials) but since they are listed together they both get taxed. I've never heard an explanation like the one where if a profit is made on the charges then it get's taxed. That just doesn't make sense.

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Re: QVC ....Thank you for your unreasonable s/h charges

On 6/14/2014 4doggies said:

A small jewelry item usually costs less than $2 to ship first class. Here is my theory, maybe wrong: The cost of shipping covers the shipping as well as the pay for shippers, packers, supplies, etc., so basically it costs QVC nothing to ship most items--it's all profit for them.

I don't know if this is correct, but I'm an ebay shipper and I know how much it actually costs to ship with discount that companies get. Q is making a fortune on shipping. It also allows host to say something is 'under $20 or $19.00 and change' when in reality it's more like $30 after shipping, tax, etc.

While it may cost you $2 to ship a jewelry item first class to one of your Ebay buyers do you also have to pay for the fancy box the jewelry is in, the container it is shipped in, insurance to cover any potential product loss while it was in your "warehouse", wages, employment taxes, workers comp & other benefits for the warehouse employees, insurance, property taxes, or rent on the warehouse, equipment used to operate the warehouse, etc etc. If QVC charges you $7 S&H (as an example) on a small jewelry purchase that is not "all profit for them" as you said and compares, in no way, to what it takes for you to ship an item. They have to actually cover all of those costs that a big business incurs that are related to shipping.

No I do not work for QVC but I did work in the Finance Dept of a major US business and I actually understand costs & how profit is calculated. Are Q's S&H costs higher than a lot of online retailers - yes most of the time I think they are - but we all have a choice as consumers to buy or not. Apparently QVC is still selling & shipping items in spite of what some think are high S&H costs.

Posts: 48
Registered: ‎03-02-2013

Re: QVC ....Thank you for your unreasonable s/h charges

ITA...I wonder if QVC has any idea how much sales they lose because of their unreasonable shipping costs?

I find myself checking Amazon or even Costco for many items instead...usually I save money going elsewhere.

With clothes, I just decide I don't need it rather than pay $6-$8 S&H for a $25 item!

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Re: QVC ....Thank you for your unreasonable s/h charges

I think the Q vendors should revolt. they are losing sales due to the Q's high shipping fees.

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Re: QVC ....Thank you for your unreasonable s/h charges

On 6/14/2014 Trix said:

Considering how many retailers offer free s&h for orders over a certain amount and ship orders in one package, etc. it's time for QVC powers to reinvent how they package orders for shipping and of course the rates.

The biggest problem I have with QVC's shipping and handling is when you order multiple items at the same time and those items the same "order number" one is still charged individual shipping for each item. Without being on the inside they could save thousands per week by shipping orders with the same order number in one package.

Here's the error in your thinking: QVC isn't trying to "save" thousands per week. They're trying to collect thousands per week in excess shipping charges. They're making out like bandits on these huge shipping charges. I mean, can you imagine how much they make shipping a package with several small makeup items (or whatever) in it? Maybe $30, $40 or more just for S&H, on a package that may cost only a tiny fraction of that to ship. A big profit center for them. Too bad their customers are starting to wake up to the abuse.

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Re: QVC ....Thank you for your unreasonable s/h charges

HSN actually gives incentives to purchase items, real ones, like FREE s&h. And not just on a handful of items. Frequently, if a particular brand has a TS, the entire line has FREE s&h.
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Re: QVC ....Thank you for your unreasonable s/h charges

I buy plenty from QVC, but it's after I do the comparison shopping. Sometimes it works out paying the high S&H. Sometimes not. I know it's frustrating to see those shipping costs, but there is not one item the Q sells that is so unique you can't find it elsewhere, so I don't understand the constant complaining here. I personally don't care what they charge.

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Re: QVC ....Thank you for your unreasonable s/h charges

Couldn't agree more. The items the Q carries I can find elsewhere for the same price or less and ZERO S&H. They used to carry things you couldn't find anywhere else, no more. I quit ordering from them some time ago.