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Proper Cleansing Makes a Difference

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I normally do a single cleanse (mild glycolic cleanser) in the AM and a double cleanse (cleansing balm and gentle cleanser) at night, but I've gotten a bit lazy about using my sonic cleansing brush and most of the time I'm hurrying the cleansing step so I can get to the rest of my routine.  

The past week or so, I've intentionally taken notice to change that, taking the time to thoroughly, but gently, massage the products into my face and then using my cleansing tool for the entire cycle.  IMO it's made a noticeable difference to set the rest of my routine up for better success. 

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Re: Proper Cleansing Makes a Difference

Hi, @JeanLouiseFinch !  I think cleansing does make a difference especially depending on whether I'm wearing make-up or not.  Usually, I do mt woman-scaping routine (shaving with cream and a razor, exfoliation with Tatcha Rice Powder on Saturday.  


My normal routine is is moisturizer with SPF, eye cream, Roche-Posay cream for neck and chest daily in the am.  In the evening, nornmally, is PTR retinol on face, Roche-Posay cream on nect and chest, night moisturizer and eye cream.  I use Olay day and night on face and Hope in a Tube on my eye area lip and naso-labial folds.

On days I wear makeup, I skip the eye cream in the morning, use Tatcha silk canvas and Urban Decay eye primer before I apply makeup.  When I'm ready to remove it I use eye makeup remover (from Kroger) and Neutrogena cleansing cloths.   Then wash with Lancome Rose Comfort Cream and my Foreo Luna to remove embedded junk.  Then treat with PTR retinol mixed with JM Arian oil (got a sample), Korres olive loik or Tarte Maracuja oil.   Maybe moisturizer and eye cream just before bed.


I'm 65 going on 66 in August and have great skin.  I have to believe, though, it's more my genetics than the products I apply!  

This is probably way more info than you were bargaining for but I guess I'm in the mood to share.  Sorry if it's too much TMI!

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Re: Proper Cleansing Makes a Difference

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Absolutely!  I noticed a massive change in the "I don't like that" area when I used my glycolic face wash daily.  Everything changed!


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Re: Proper Cleansing Makes a Difference



MKM wants to be in VEGAS and luxuriating at the opulence that is the Venetian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  First place I hope to go post knee surgery.  Are you aware of all the beauty influencers/gurus that live in Vegas?  What is it about the desert that "beauty" people want to live in? lol  If I ever get to go back, I think I'd walk around with a mister bottle full of essence to keep my face hydrated and moisturized!

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Re: Proper Cleansing Makes a Difference

@monicakm , hello!  I'm not sure what draws a lot of folks here except the cost of living is lower than along the coast.  We have a son an grandkids in Huntington Beach and a son in San Luis Obispo, so this was the place to settle when we moved back from the Big Island of Hawaii.  

That said, there's a lot of opportunity here for people seeking beauty services, perhaps at a better price than in CA.  We have a lot of folks moving from there.  Also, I think the heat helps clear out the skin -the key is to keep it clean and hydrated and protected from the sun.

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Re: Proper Cleansing Makes a Difference

Thanks!  That makes sense.  Samantha March just moved there from Iowa after her divorce Smiley Sad  Michele Wang just moved there.  Risa Does Makeup lives there.  Those are just the three I know of.

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Re: Proper Cleansing Makes a Difference

I must be the exception ... I have resistant skin. No matter what I do, i never see a difference. I have tried all the lines, and nothing.  So I do the very minimal! 

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Re: Proper Cleansing Makes a Difference

@JeanLouiseFinch    I notice a big difference when I use the InstaNatural glycolic cleanser.  It really cleans my skin.  In the morning I use Kylie Skin foam cleanser which turns into a lather but gentle.  I use one serum at night for hydration and not every night.  My routine is cleanse, Vanilla Milk toner by Kylie Skin (this not only smells wonderful it is good to minimize pores) and moisturizer. In fact July 15 Kylie Skin will be all Vegan.

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Re: Proper Cleansing Makes a Difference

All my skincare products I've been using for over a year has done terrific things for my face.  Then about 2-3 months ago I added TO's Glycolic Acid and that took it to another level!  So glad my skin can tolerate it now.  It couldn't about a year ago when I tried it.

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Re: Proper Cleansing Makes a Difference

@monicakm wrote:

All my skincare products I've been using for over a year has done terrific things for my face.  Then about 2-3 months ago I added TO's Glycolic Acid and that took it to another level!  So glad my skin can tolerate it now.  It couldn't about a year ago when I tried it.

@monicakm  I've been on a break from an actual glycolic treatment step for awhile after getting carried away with too much exfoliating.  I use Tretinoin every night.  I'm looking forward to using a glycolic toner a couple mornings a week,  I've been watching James Welsh a lot lately and have taken his cue to try a wet routine, misting between everything - Bulgarian Rose water in the morning and Galactomyces First Essence in the afternoon/early evening. So far, so good, but I don't know if I'll stick with it or how long. I've also changed my evening system to washing and moisturizer early and then Tretinoin at bedtime.  All good.