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Preservative MI causing rashes -- mainly in baby wipes LINK Skin & Cancer Foundation


Just heard about this at the doctor's office this morning, but it may have been posted here before... if so, please overlook.

The preservative referred to as MI (Methylisothiazolinone (MI) was thought to be a very safe preservative and is now either being banned or companies are considering banning it.

The article in the link above shows a picture of an adult with the rash on their hands. So far,the rashes seem to be seen on mom's hands from using baby wipes on their babies, etc. I am passing this along to our DD b/c our grand baby has rashy skin... the doctor said "not to worry" but it looks the same to me.

Any thoughts?

PS the article also mentions cosmetics (especially leave-on products like lotions). I am going to look for this ingredient in lotions/sunscreens/lip products because I have sensitive skin and who know? Maybe this is the cause. Also, the article mentions that some products are preserved with sodium benzoate or grapefruit oil... might be good alternatives to use for while or try out.

The Skin & Cancer Foundation Inc is a not-for-profit charity that provides specialist clinical treatment, education and research for a wide variety of skin diseases, skin cancer and melanoma. Established in 1987, the Foundation has become Australia’s centre of excellence in skin care.

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: Preservative MI causing rashes -- mainly in baby wipes LINK Skin & Cancer Foundation

So glad my doctor gave me old fashioned advice of just using water and a soft paper towel to make a baby wipe.

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Re: Preservative MI causing rashes -- mainly in baby wipes LINK Skin & Cancer Foundation

On 7/10/2014 piperbay said:

So glad my doctor gave me old fashioned advice of just using water and a soft paper towel to make a baby wipe.

Whoda thunk? :-) We use FAR too many chemicals. Good advice from your doctor.

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Re: Preservative MI causing rashes -- mainly in baby wipes LINK Skin & Cancer Foundation

Great! I use baby wipes all the time around the house! I buy them by the case. Wiping up dog messes, use them in the car, most anything you would use a wet paper towel for. Going to check the ones I use, and see if it has this chemical in them. Thank you for the heads up.

If you want to change the tenor of your interactions, you must become aware of the impact of your words...Karen Casey
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Re: Preservative MI causing rashes -- mainly in baby wipes LINK Skin & Cancer Foundation

On 7/10/2014 piperbay said:

So glad my doctor gave me old fashioned advice of just using water and a soft paper towel to make a baby wipe.

Thank you, piperbay... that seems the safest to me!

I WILL check my "potions and lotions" just to be sure.

I use Huggies for EVERYTHING... knew they must contain a powerful germicide b/c I am around sick teens all of the time... and I have not been getting sick. I hold one of these cloths up to my nose every so often on plane flights also, and believe that this has prevented illnesses. Use these to disinfect the classroom stuff -- especially desks. Have never had a rash on my hands.

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~