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Preference regarding the look of lips?

I was watching a Mally beauty show a few days ago and she was showing how you can fake the bee stung look of the upper lip (i.e. make the upper lip look bigger) by basically covering up your cupid's bow area ith lipstick/gloss and possibly liner.  I see alot of people with this look  and not sure if I like it because it looks a bit unnatural to me.


So I was curious- do you all prefer to let the cupid's bow shine through, lol, or cover it up to make your upper lip look bigger?

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Re: Preference regarding the look of lips?

Trying to make your lips look larger with lipstick "tricks" is not for me.  Everyone I see that tries to do something like that looks fake, silly, or like they don't know how to apply makeup.  It isn't much of a trend anymore but you do still see some people who outline their lips with a very dark color and then fill in with a lighter color.  That is another trick that for me just looks weird and not flattering at all. 


I also cringe when I see these celebrities who get injections and do whatever else they do to enlarge their lips.  On one TV series I remember when one actress appeared in a shot all I saw was how absurd her lips looked - completely out of proportion for her face.


Most of those lip tricks and treatments just make people look cartoony.

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Re: Preference regarding the look of lips?

I do not try to make my lips look bigger. I have had many many days of swollen lips with fever blisters and want nothing to do with injections or unnatural lips. No lining with a pencil either.

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Re: Preference regarding the look of lips?

I never liked it when women would go outside their natural lipline, to try and fake a fuller looking lip.  Believe me, people can tell.  I do use the Skinn Lip lip products to enhance fullness and smoothness, but IMO they don't make me look like I got socked in the mouth or anything remotely unnatural.  Whatever I end up with, the lipstick goes on the lips and not outside the lips.

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Re: Preference regarding the look of lips?

Why would I want a fat upper lip?  Why would anyone want a fat upper lip?  In all these years, I have never seen a Mally show so I don't know what she sells or what her signature look is.  I personally, enhance what I have.  I don't really try to get something that nature didn't give me.  Nature did not give me thick lips and I don't think faking it would work out very well.  I love lip color.  I don't use lip pencil because I think that makes my lips look smaller and I get a "mean" look.  I prefer a bright matte lip color.  Right now, I'm rocking a coral color but I bought a fushia color that I'll be wearing soon.

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Re: Preference regarding the look of lips?

I have natually full lips so I don't want to make them look even fuller so I hadn't paid attention to all of  the tips and tricks besides lip plumpers (which most HURT, by the way) to make your lips look bigger.


In Mallly's demo, she took off her "lips" so she could show us how small her lips really are and I didn't think her lip looked small at all and actually, didn't really see much of a difference between her before and after except that her cupid's bow disappeared! I actually liked her natural lips look much better.


Please don't make this a thread to bash Mally (not saying anyone has yet), as that is not my intent here. Hopefully we can just stay on topic and just discuss the looks of lips.



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Re: Preference regarding the look of lips?

I've always had chicken lips. As I age, they have become thinner and thinner. I can deal with my lower lip, but I do very gently "help" my upper lip.


I do it the way I saw a MUA suggest. I think it was a Lancome person on HSN. He said that for older, thin lips, you should not try to exaggerate the two points of the bow but rather lightly fill in between them. In other words, it's as if you're trying connect them.


This is more subtle than it sounds. It really does help.

~Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
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Re: Preference regarding the look of lips?

@suzyQ3 wrote:

I've always had chicken lips. As I age, they have become thinner and thinner. I can deal with my lower lip, but I do very gently "help" my upper lip.


I do it the way I saw a MUA suggest. I think it was a Lancome person on HSN. He said that for older, thin lips, you should not try to exaggerate the two points of the bow but rather lightly fill in between them. In other words, it's as if you're trying connect them.


This is more subtle than it sounds. It really does help.

yes, this is what Mally showed too.

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Re: Preference regarding the look of lips?

I enjoy watching Robert Cook (Lancome MUA) on HSN as well. I get a lot of tips from watching.

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Re: Preference regarding the look of lips?

[ Edited ]

When I stopped trying to straighten my hair at age 16, I adopted the philosophy of working with what I have.  Unless it's very subtle, tricks like this are more appropriate for someone who's going to be before the camera rather than seen in real life.  Everyone has good and bad features, so I think it's best to play up what you like and do what you can about what you don't like without making things worse.


I agree with others above that those lip injections look terrible.  I question the competence of the doctors who do them when I see the many examples of bad results of this procedure.