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Pluses or minuses for argan vs. maracuja oil

Has anyone used both?  Any pluses or minuses for one or the other?

[was Homegirl] Love to be home . . . thus the screen name. Joined 2003.
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Re: Pluses or minuses for argan vs. maracuja oil

Maracuja broke me out and irritated my skin a bit and I never breakout. I like argan out okay but prefer marula and rose hip seed oil and use those mostly instead. Been using them for several years now. 


Argan and and maracuja have different components so you might want to see which contain the elements you prefer/want/need for your skin.

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Re: Pluses or minuses for argan vs. maracuja oil

Thank you, HappyDaze.

I have used maracuja oil under my eyes, on my neck, etc. with no problems.  My neck is even more sensitive than under the eyes.

But I never seem to see any striking benefits.   Or maybe we never get striking benefits.  It all just keeps "things" from  going too far!


It's not the only thing I use, but I'd never used argan oil at all so was curious.  (I'm not exactly sold on the 70-year-old who looked 40.  That was likely genetics and not any kind of oil.)


Sounds like you're happy with the ones you've chosen.  That is a great thing when you find something you like.

[was Homegirl] Love to be home . . . thus the screen name. Joined 2003.
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Re: Pluses or minuses for argan vs. maracuja oil

Argan is heavier. Maracuja will help hair and nails grow. I use it on my brows and cuticles. I used to apply it under my arms but stopped because it caused my hair to grow back faster, lol. I use the argan oil now under my arms and I don't have to use my epilator as often.

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Re: Pluses or minuses for argan vs. maracuja oil

You are welcome. I think oils are more for helping keep things the way they are and help prevent further damage and/or keeping skin more soft and supple rather than making any significant changes. Rosehip does help my skin look a bit more perky, lol, too, ,one reason I prefer it over the others. Anyway, I think you are wise to realize you shouldn't expect miraculous changes to you skin from oils. 

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Re: Pluses or minuses for argan vs. maracuja oil



☀️Good Morning






I've used both and I'm much impressed with the maracuja oil. It goes on better, and is much more moisturizing.


Argan oil does nothing and is lighter.





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Re: Pluses or minuses for argan vs. maracuja oil

No one can give you plusses or minuses because what is a plus for one person could be a minus for another person.  I've tried many oils and keep coming back to maracuja.  Argan was too drying on my face, but I did like it for my hair.

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Re: Pluses or minuses for argan vs. maracuja oil

I use maracuja oil at night as my moisturizer and really love it.  my skin is so soft in the morning.   I tried a sample of argan a while ago and it was just too heavy for my face.   Maracuja is lighter and absorbs into my skin better.   I use it down my neck,  too.

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Re: Pluses or minuses for argan vs. maracuja oil

I read a couple years back that Maracuja oil balances the scalp and it does work for me so I use it for that.  I use argan oil light for my eye lashes.  I no longer use argan oil for my face because it takes too long to absorb.  I found Marula oil to absorb quickly, and I like the results it  has given me.  Soft skin, but, more importantly, lessen the look of fine lines and it keeps my skin balanced year round.

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Re: Pluses or minuses for argan vs. maracuja oil

My skin prefers argan oil better than maracuja, yet with non-sensitive skin there's other oils I'd like to try. 


I do have a product by ACURE that's a blend of orgainic oils.  It's their Seriously Firming Facial Serum.  It claims to reduce fine lines and imperfections and facial scars.  I don't necessarily buy into their claims- although like the ACURE line and picked it up when on sale.