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@San Antonio Gal wrote:

@Andreatoo wrote:

I just got it yesterday and it absolutely works. Unfortunately it also feels like you put Elmer's Glue under your eyes! LOL but the part that bothers me the most is that you're supposed to use it on a clean dry face. I still want to use my serums?! What's up with that? I'm going to continue to use it for a few days and see if I can make it work for me otherwise it's going back. And yes the container feels empty


Edited to add that I just put some more on and probably used too much but the effect is that outside of where I put the plexaderm it's so tight that is creating wrinkles that weren't there before! There's clearly a learning curve

Hi @Andreatoo.  Were you ever able to make the Plexaderm work for you or did you end up returning?

@San Antonio Gal

After playing with it a few times I think I've got it down! Yes you feel it but it's pretty impressive when you've got major baggage under your eyes and it's gone! I'll probably just be using it when I go out but not every day


I forgot to mention that when I put it on my husband he complained that it burned! Get it off of me get it off of me! LOL

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Registered: ‎05-18-2017

Glad you are able to use it, @Andreatoo.  I've been curious about it for a long time and will try it one day.  Since I can return it, there's no reason for me not to try!