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Philosophy birthday sale starts today

Philosophy dot com is having a birthday sale through the 5th. 30% off purchase. Code on the website.
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Re: Philosophy birthday sale starts today

Have you bought anything yet?

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Re: Philosophy birthday sale starts today

I'm not a great user of Philosophy but there are two products that I do use - Sole Owner and Booster Vit C. I can't find Sole Owner - have they discontinued it???

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Registered: ‎07-03-2013

Re: Philosophy birthday sale starts today

On 3/1/2015 AuntG said:

Have you bought anything yet?

As my luck has it, I just had a order two weeks ago. The promo at that time was a big bottle of purity. I use philosophy skin care, body cream and 3 in1's.
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Registered: ‎07-03-2013

Re: Philosophy birthday sale starts today

On 3/2/2015 gonnab said:

I'm not a great user of Philosophy but there are two products that I do use - Sole Owner and Booster Vit C. I can't find Sole Owner - have they discontinued it???

I haven't seen it in my travels. I bought some last summer at TJMaxx. My store doesn't usually have a lot of philosophy, but that day they had a whole shelf of sole owner for $7.99.
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Registered: ‎04-20-2010

Re: Philosophy birthday sale starts today

On 3/2/2015 gonnab said:

I'm not a great user of Philosophy but there are two products that I do use - Sole Owner and Booster Vit C. I can't find Sole Owner - have they discontinued it???

The Soul Owner foot cream is currently available on their website - I just searched for it and it is there right now {#emotions_dlg.biggrin}

Soul Owner is my all time favorite foot cream, it has worked better for me than any other product, good stuff! {#emotions_dlg.thumbup}

Enjoy it!

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Re: Philosophy birthday sale starts today

Hi cal-gal. I saw Sole Owner at Nordstroms Rack about 6 weeks ago. However it's no longer there. Just thought I'd let you know since I know you go there sometimes. Last time I told you they had something your store didn't have it though lol. Sorry about that. Glad you could get it on

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Re: Philosophy birthday sale starts today

On 3/2/2015 colliemom3 said:

Hi cal-gal. I saw Sole Owner at Nordstroms Rack about 6 weeks ago. However it's no longer there. Just thought I'd let you know since I know you go there sometimes. Last time I told you they had something your store didn't have it though lol. Sorry about that. Glad you could get it on

Hello colliemom! Good to hear from you Smile! Hey, no worries about the Nordstrom Rack conversation from last time. In fact, I found it elsewhere and even got it a great discount (with free shipping woohoo!) so I'm a happy camper!

Regarding the foot cream, thank you so much for thinking of me! You know, a few months ago I was panicked because someone started saying it was discontinued. But I called both Philosophy and their Brick and Mortar and they confirmed that sometimes, they are just temporarily out of stock while in between manufacturing runs. Good timing, as I am down to my last tube, I grabbed some more at 30% off. Free shipping, no sales tax, I am excited!

Are you doing well?

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Posts: 15,756
Registered: ‎09-08-2010

Re: Philosophy birthday sale starts today

Hi again cal-gal. Good to hear from you too, and it's nice to know about items being temporarily out of stock between manufacturing runs. I always assume the worst about these situations, and that is that these products will never be seen again lol.

I'm doing pretty good. Thanks so much for asking. Are you doing ok?

Super Contributor
Posts: 334
Registered: ‎04-20-2010

Re: Philosophy birthday sale starts today

On 3/2/2015 colliemom3 said:

Hi again cal-gal. Good to hear from you too, and it's nice to know about items being temporarily out of stock between manufacturing runs. I always assume the worst about these situations, and that is that these products will never be seen again lol.

I'm doing pretty good. Thanks so much for asking. Are you doing ok?

Doing okay thank you! Nothing too exciting to report on other than that I am making a more concerted effort nowadays to stay healthy and positive {#emotions_dlg.biggrin} Haven't been around here much lately, but it is nice to stop in to 'see' folks and say hi! So it was nice to see you here tonight. Have a good evening!