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Registered: ‎05-10-2014

Philosophy June 7th 2014 TSV?

Does anyone know what the next tsv will be?
Posts: 35
Registered: ‎06-05-2010

Re: Philosophy June 7th 2014 TSV?


How did you find out there is TSV on June 7th?

I am excited

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Re: Philosophy June 7th 2014 TSV?

I don't know but I know Fresh Cream is going to be in it. I wonder if Sunshine Grace will be too??
Posts: 59
Registered: ‎05-23-2010

Re: Philosophy June 7th 2014 TSV?

We just know there is a TSV in June and that it consists of Fresh Cream (set?.) We won't know the date till mid May when the next issue of the Insider is available online. How do you know the date already?
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Registered: ‎05-10-2014

Re: Philosophy June 7th 2014 TSV?

I'm new to this, but I have philosophy in my reminders and I saw it today on the schedule. Thank you!
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Re: Philosophy June 7th 2014 TSV?

I know that if Fresh Cream is offered, I am in. Dream come true for me.
Occasional Contributor
Posts: 9
Registered: ‎05-10-2014

Re: Philosophy June 7th 2014 TSV?

I can't wait! I'm obsessed with their lotions and skin care! I use it all
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Re: Philosophy June 7th 2014 TSV?

I hope it's not on that day. I will be out of country on a business trip.

Posts: 59
Registered: ‎05-23-2010

Re: Philosophy June 7th 2014 TSV?

Yes, June 7th, apparently is the next TSV! Just looked at the Q schedule guide (shows listed for after this coming Sat. shows) and there are shows for that day and for midnight. Mari Lyn hinted heavily back in March or April on her facebook page at Fresh Cream being a part of a fun show at midnight after a lady asked for a fresh cream item. Don't know if there will be another choice but it is some kind of set. We should know exactly what it is (details and pics) or if there is another choice besides Fresh Cream by at least Thursday (mid month) when the June issue of the Q Insider is posted online. Dara and Jackie also kept saying we will have a very fun summer special TSV coming as well back in late April and Jackie said we'd love it too.

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Registered: ‎06-12-2013

Re: Philosophy June 7th 2014 TSV?

I'm so happy with the last TSV from April. Philosophy is my favorite skincare line!! I can't wait to get more