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People magazine article when Adrien Arpel was 38

Thought this was interesting. This article came out when Adrien's first book was published in 1978: 

Originally joined board 12-14-2004
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Re: People magazine article when Adrien Arpel was 38

Great article! What she said was good common sense.  I am sure she has had many face lifts since that article among other things! She hides under all that hair and the bangs  much like The host Bobbie Ray Carter on fact they look like twins😄


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Re: People magazine article when Adrien Arpel was 38

Both ladies look fine, however, too severe in my opinion.

BRC is so dang skinny, it's aging (tho I am jealous she's so thin to be perfectly honest)!


AA looks kind've puttyish. Like silly putty...


I do like watching them, BRC is a decent host and AA is oddly talented with her 2 second makeovers with the models.

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Re: People magazine article when Adrien Arpel was 38

Back in the '80s, when her line was still in dept stores and doing the mini facial, my friend and I went and had it done and our makeup done.  We were probably 28 or 29.  Sooo much makeup.  The MUA completely whited out our faces with what now I can assume was a white primer and then put foundation on top of it.  It was horrid.  We laughed that we looked like  geishas and couldn't wait to get home to wash it off.

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Re: People magazine article when Adrien Arpel was 38

@Wsmom  I guess the results at the former Adrien Arpel in-store mini spas depended on the skill of the esthetician.  There was one Adrien Arpel rep at the old Marshall Field's in Chicago who was terrific.  


Just the other day I was having a discussion with a young woman who had no idea of Adrien's history in the cosmetic industry and was telling her about Adrien's counter and mini spas in high-end department stores.   

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Re: People magazine article when Adrien Arpel was 38

I remember when I was a teenager, my mom used several Adrienne Arpel cosmetics.  Mom would take me to various downtown department stores and tried to talk me into buying AA products, but I was a Woolworth's makeup junkie back then.  Anyway, Adrienne's been around for a very long time.  I get a kick out of watching her apply makeup on HSN.  I've never bought any of her products, tho.

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Re: People magazine article when Adrien Arpel was 38

[ Edited ]


@Trix wrote:

@Wsmom  I guess the results at the former Adrien Arpel in-store mini spas depended on the skill of the esthetician.  There was one Adrien Arpel rep at the old Marshall Field's in Chicago who was terrific.  


Just the other day I was having a discussion with a young woman who had no idea of Adrien's history in the cosmetic industry and was telling her about Adrien's counter and mini spas in high-end department stores.   

@Trix   I'm not sure the facials were given by "trained estheticians". Many women and men at cosmetic counters, even now, are trained to do a facial with a line. If you stop by the Kiehl's counter in any store, they will offer a complimentary facial by appt. (or not if they aren't busy). I'm sure they are sales associates, not licensed. I asked.

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Re: People magazine article when Adrien Arpel was 38

@Trix wrote:

@Wsmom  I guess the results at the former Adrien Arpel in-store mini spas depended on the skill of the esthetician.  There was one Adrien Arpel rep at the old Marshall Field's in Chicago who was terrific.  


Just the other day I was having a discussion with a young woman who had no idea of Adrien's history in the cosmetic industry and was telling her about Adrien's counter and mini spas in high-end department stores.   

I sure miss the old Marshall Field's store.  I remember that Adren Arpel spa and I can remember buying some type of kit with I think, a cleansing brush and some products.  Think it was $25.00 with an in-store facial.  Pretty good price even back then for what the kit contained.  That old Field's store also sold Janet Sartin and some other very interesting cosmetic lines, which I assume are now long gone.

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Re: People magazine article when Adrien Arpel was 38

Say what you will about this quirky lady, but I have purchased products from her over the years and have never been disappointed.  

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Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Re: People magazine article when Adrien Arpel was 38

I like the last line from the People Magazine article.


"If I need a face-lift one day, I’ll probably go ahead and have it."


And I am sure she did, once or twice or more times.