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Re: Peeling, dry, bleeding lips

I dont care for Sara Happ products, she uses petro and mineral oil. Her prices are way too steep for that. 

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Re: Peeling, dry, bleeding lips

@gtx wrote:

@goldensrbest Sara Happ Dream Slip and lip scrub are great. They are both on QVC. The Dream Slip stays on lips overnight.

@goldensrbest Sara Haap Dream Slip works for me too. Feel Better!!

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Re: Peeling, dry, bleeding lips

For healing, you could try Dr. Dan's Corti-Balm.  I got it from the A-place.  It's not for every day since it has cortizone in it, but it might help with the healing.  I don't think I would want to exfoliate them if they are raw and bleeding from peeling. 


I'm actually liking Trader Joe's lip mask better fthan even the ever-popular Laneige.  It goes on smoother and less gloppy.  That being said, I've never flet like a lip mask did anything more for my lips than a squeeze-type lip balm like Aquaphor or EOS in the tube.  I have switched back and forth between Laneige and EOS and by morning I couldn't tell you which one I had used the night before if I didn't already know. 


And since we're on the subject of lip balms, I just opened a 3pk of Blistex Deep Renewal (with CoQ10 and SPF15) and I am not impressed.  I feel like I have to constantly re-apply. 

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Re: Peeling, dry, bleeding lips

I've found the Blistex medicated in the blue pot works well if you put it on right before going to sleet. I really wish they would put it into a squeeze tube. They have a medicated stick but I don't think that works as well.

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Re: Peeling, dry, bleeding lips


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Re: Peeling, dry, bleeding lips

I've had chapped lips in the winter for as long as I can remember.  I should probably do more, but what works for me is Blistex Medicated Lip Ointment in a tube. This really works for me but you do have to keep reapplying.

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Re: Peeling, dry, bleeding lips


@goldensrbest  - This is what works for me.  Keihl's Buttermask for Lips.  Highly recommend.



Kiehl,S Buttermask For Lips Overnight Treatment Hydrating Mask - 10G (1Oz)

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Re: Peeling, dry, bleeding lips

@goldensrbest  My lips dry up as soon as weather drops below 60.  My lips get chapped on the outer rim and it looks like I've been drinking red kool-aid.  The only thing that heals them up quick is bacitracin antibiotic cream over a night or 2.  I always wear a lip product during the day at work but they still get chapped every now and then.

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Re: Peeling, dry, bleeding lips

Dry lips "could" be a sign of dehydration

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Re: Peeling, dry, bleeding lips



Neosporin is petroleum based and helps with any bacterial issues.